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Published by Pearson (March 23, 2016) © 2016
For Introduction to Hospitality courses
Empower tomorrow’s hospitality leaders with a visually appealing, easy, and engaging introduction to the exciting opportunities in the many varied segments of the industry
Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasises the people, companies, and positions that make up the hospitality industry today. Moving beyond just restaurants and hotels to cover all facets and segments of the industry, it includes new growth areas such as event management, meeting planning, cruising, theme parks, and gaming entertainment. The focus on sustainability features case studies on practitioners and corporations that engage and involve reads as they explore the trends in this ever-growing field.
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