Employment Law, 2nd edition

Published by Longman (July 19, 2007) © 2007

  • John Duddington
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“Presented in a user-friendly style, this book is an invaluable tool for all students of employment law. It provides excellent discussion of key areas of the current law.”

Jane Johnson, Senior Lecturer, CoventryUniversity

Employment Law is a thought-provoking account of employment law suitable for students approaching the subject for the first time. Legal principles are introduced in the political, social and economic context in which they operate, while statistics and examples are used to relate the law further to the world in which employment law functions.


Publisher's Acknowledgements

Keeping up to date with employment law

Useful websites

Guided Tour

Table of cases

Table of statutes

Table of statutory instruments

Table of European Legislation

Table of Statutory Rights

Abbreviations used when referring to judges


Part One: What is Employment Law about: Its history, sources and institutions

1. The context of Employment Law and its institutions

2. The impact of European Union Law and International Labour Standards

3. The impact of Human Rights Law

Part Two: The Employment Relationship

4. The employment relationship

5. The contract of employment

6. Continuity of employment

7. Payment of wages and hours of work

8. Health and safety

9. Discrimination Law

10. Employment rights and the family

Part Three: Termination of the Employment Relationship

11. Wrongful and unfair dismissal

12. Dismissal for economic reasons

Part Four: Collective employment law

13. Trade Unions: their status and their members

14. Collective action

Part Five: The Future of Employment Law


Glossary of legal terms




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