Economics, European Edition, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (November 25, 2021) © 2022

  • Michael Parkin Emeritus of University of Western Ontario
  • Melanie Powell Derby University
  • Kent Matthews Cardiff University
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Begin your learning on economics with this comprehensive edition and follow in the footsteps of leading economists!

Economics 11th edition retains the hallmarks of previous editions with a detailed overview of the principles of economics and application of economic theories to real-world data, events, and examples. It incorporates the latest developments in Eurozone and UK policy, including Brexit and the impact of COVID-19 on the economy.

The text aims to help you evaluate economic policies, understand human behaviour, and develop your critical thinking and decision-making skills, offering you the foundation to start thinking like an economist.

Part 1: The Scope of Economics

  1. What Is Economics?
  2. The Economic Problem

Part 2: How Markets Work

  1. Demand and Supply
  2. Elasticity
  3. Efficiency and Equity
  4. Government Actions in Markets
  5. Global Markets in Action

Part 3: Households, Firms and Markets

  1. Households' Choices
  2. Organising Production
  3. Output and Costs
  4. Perfect Competition
  5. Monopoly
  6. Monopolistic Competition
  7. Oligopoly

Part 4: Coping with Market Failure

  1. Public Choices and Public Goods
  2. Economics of the Environment

Part 5: Factor Markets, Inequality and Uncertainty

  1. Markets for Factors of Production
  2. Economic Inequality and Redistribution
  3. Uncertainty and Information

Part 6: Monitoring Macroeconomic Performance

  1. Measuring GDP and Economic Growth
  2. Monitoring Jobs and Inflation

Part 7: Macroeconomic Trends

  1. Economic Growth
  2. Finance, Saving and Investment
  3. Money, the Price Level and Inflation
  4. International Finance

Part 8: Macroeconomic Fluctuations

  1. Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
  2. Expenditure Multipliers
  3. The Business Cycle, Inflation and Deflation

Part 9: Macroeconomic Policy

  1. Fiscal Policy
  2. Monetary Policy



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