Digital Electronics with VHDL (Quartus II Version), Pearson New International Edition, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014

  • William Kleitz State University of New York, Tompkins Cortland
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For Digital Electronics courses requiring a comprehensive approach to Digital concepts with an emphasis on PLD programming and the integration of the latest Quartus II software.

This text presents a step-by-step, practical approach to an enhanced and easy understanding of digital circuitry fundamentals with coverage of CPLD's, VHDL and Altera's Quartus II software. Coverage begins with the basic logic gates used to perform arithmetic operations, and proceeds up through sequential logic and memory circuits used to interface to modern PCs. The author combines extensive teaching experience with practical examples in order to bring entry level students up to speed in this emerging field.

  1. Number Systems and Codes.

  2. Digital Electronic Signals and Switches.

  3. Basic Logic Gates.

  4. Programmable Logic Devices: CPLDs and FPGAs with VHDL Design.

  5. Boolean Algebra and Reduction Techniques.

  6. Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates.

  7. Arithmetic Operations and Circuits.

  8. Code Converters, Multiplexers, and Demultiplexers.

  9. Logic Families and Their Characteristics.

10. Flip-Flops and Registers.

11. Practical Considerations for Digital Design.

12. Counter Circuits and VHDL State Machines.

13. Shift Registers.

14. Multivibrators and the 555 Timer.

15. Interfacing to the Analog World.

16. Semiconductor, Magnetic and Optical Memory.

17. Microprocessor Fundamentals.

18. The 8051 Microcontroller.

Appendix A. WWW Sites.

Appendix B. Manufacturers' Data Sheets.

Appendix C. Explanation of the IEEE/IEC Standard for Logic Symbols (Dependency Notation).

Appendix D. Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems.

Appendix E. VHDL Language Reference.

Appendix F. Review of Basic Electricity Principles.
Appendix G. Schematic Diagrams for Chapter-End Problems.

Appendix H. 8051 Instruction Set.


Supplementary Index of ICs.

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