Conceptual Physics, Global Edition, 13th edition

Published by Pearson (July 22, 2022) © 2022

  • Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco



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Thistitle is a Pearson Global Edition. The editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content which is especiallyrelevant to a diverse and international audience.

Forcourses in liberal arts physics.

Actively engage students inlearning and loving physics. Paul Hewitt’s best-selling ConceptualPhysics defined the liberal arts physics course over 30 years agoand continues as the benchmark. Hewitt’s text is guided by the principle of"concepts before calculations" and is famous for engaging studentswith real-world analogies and imagery to build a strong conceptualunderstanding of physical principles, ranging from classical mechanics tomodern physics.

The 13th Edition continuesto make physics delightful for students with informative and fun Hewitt-Drew-Itscreencasts, updated content and applications, and new engaging activities.

PearsonMastering® Physicsis not included. Students, if Pearson Mastering Physics is a recommended/mandatorycomponent of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. PearsonMastering Physics should only be purchased when required by an instructor.Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

About the book:

Prepare for lecture.

  • Icons throughout the book show students where videos can be accessed. They can watch Paul Hewitt’s video demonstrations and Hewitt-Drew-It screencasts to prepare for lecture and gain a better conceptual understanding of physics.
  • The Instructor Resources provide the most comprehensive resource available of purpose-built in-class teaching aids, including high-resolution JPEGs of all figures and photos from the book, all the Interactive Figures and Video Demonstrations, PowerPoint® Lecture Outlines and Clicker Questions written by the author, plus electronic versions of the Next-Time Questions, Instructor Manual, and Test Bank.
  • Conceptual Think and Rank end of chapter exercises help students master important concepts.
  • Multiple-Choice Practice Exams at the end of each chapter enable the student to assess their grasp of the material they just learned.

Make physics relevant anddelightful.

  • UPDATED - Chapter Openers feature updated photos to reflect the diversity found in the sciences today and include new photos and descriptions of professors and those in industry.
  • Current applications and topics include digital technology, environment, and energy. These topics are at the forefront of everyone’s consciousness these days and an intelligent awareness of their scientific foundations will give rise to better decision making in the political arena and keep students aware of current events.
  • An extensive full-color figure and photo program includes the author’s hallmark cartoons, which are both approachable and informative.
  • Fun and easy-to-perform projects involve students in the scientific process of exploration and observation.
  • Insight boxes provide short snippets of information about how topics in the text relate to real-life situations, experiments, and other parts of the book.

Build a strong conceptualunderstanding of physics.

  • End-of-Chapter sections align to Bloom’s Taxonomy with all end-of-chapter material falling into Bloom’s taxonomy categories.
  • All sections are numbered to allow for more instructor flexibility in assigning class material.
  • Check Yourself and Check Your Answer boxes embedded within the text help students gauge their level of understanding of the material just covered.
  • Practicing Physics boxes allow students to work through a problem or experiment based on the material covered in each chapter.
  • A wide variety of problems are provided at the end of each chapter.
  • Conceptual Think and Rank end of chapter exercises help students master important concepts.
  • Multiple-Choice Practice Exams at the end of each chapter enable the student to assess their grasp of the material they just learned.

PearsonMastering Physicsis not included. Students, if Mastering Physics is a recommended/mandatory component ofthe course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MasteringPhysics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contactyour Pearson representative for more information.

Reach every studentwith Mastering.

Teach your course your way.

  • EXPANDED - Instructor Resource Area guides instructors on how and when to use the different assets available as supplements and in Mastering. These resources include over 450 videos specific to the text, test bank questions, end-of-chapter problems, and tutorials that are located in the Mastering Item Library and the Study Area.
  • With Learning CatalyticsTM, you’ll hear from every student when it matters most. You pose a variety of questions that help students recall ideas, apply concepts, and develop critical-thinking skills, and students respond using their own smartphones, tablets, or laptops.
  • Dynamic Study Modules are specific to Conceptual Physics and are assignable modules that pose a series of questions about a course topic. Questions adapt to each student’s performance and offer personalized, targeted feedback to help them master key concepts. Students can use their computer or the MyLab and Mastering app to access Dynamic Study Modules.

Deliver trusted content.

  • UPDATED - Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook also available within Mastering. It lets students read, highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need when they need it. Educators can easily customize the table of contents and share their own notes with students, so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class — motivating them to keep reading and keep learning.
    • NEW - Analytics Dashboard. Use the dashboard to gain insight into how students are working in their eText to plan more effective instruction in and out of class.
    • Scheduled Reading. Assign a chapter or specific section to hold students accountable for their reading and help them prep for lecture, homework, and quizzes. Scheduled Readings populate to each student’s assignment page, and you can now link readings directly to a Mastering assignment.
  • NEW – Selected Enhanced End-of-Chapter questions are now randomized and coded with wrong-answer specific feedback. Significantly revised end-of-chapter problems expand the focus on math skills that students need to solve problems.
  • Unparalleled assignable tutorials and coaching activities include Ranking, Sorting, and Labeling Tutorials and Activities. They cover content relevant to all Hewitt titles and motivate students to learn outside of class and arrive prepared for lecture. Tutorials allow students to learn from their mistakes. Hallmark Hints and Feedback offer instruction similar to what students experience in an office-hours visit, without being given the answer.

Empower learners.

  • EXPANDED - Study Tools in the Pearson Mastering Physics Study Area provide students with Animations, Video Activities, Interactive Figure Activities, word study tools, short chapter quizzes and more — all in one easy to navigate place to help students master tough topics with answer-specific feedback and the support they need to succeed.
  • Self-Guided Tutorial Activities feature extensive, multi-lesson animations that students can work through at their own pace. Students then use what they have learned to answer multiple-choice questions based on the animations.
  • 100 Hewitt-Drew-It screencasts, authored and narrated by Paul Hewitt, explain physics concepts through animation and narration. The exciting new Screencasts, accessed through QR codes in the textbook, will enable students to engage with the physics concepts more actively outside of class.
  • Video Activities ask students to answer multiple-choice questions based on the content of Paul Hewitt’s popular classroom demonstrations.
  • Interactive Figure Activities help students master important topics by interacting with key figures, bringing principles to life. Hints and specific wrong-answer feedback help guide students toward understanding the scientific principles.

About the book

Make physics relevant and delightful

  • Chapter Openers feature updated photos to reflect the diversity found in the sciences today and include new photos and descriptions of professors and those in industry.
  • Current applications and topics include digital technology, environment, and energy. These topics are at the forefront of everyone’s consciousness these days and an intelligent awareness of their scientific foundations will give rise to better decision making in the political arena and keep students aware of current events.

PearsonMasteringPhysics is not included. Students, if Mastering Physics is a recommended/mandatorycomponent of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. PearsonMastering Physics should only be purchased when required by an instructor.Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

Reach every student with Mastering.

Teachyour course your way

  • Instructor Resource Area guides instructors on how and when to use the different assets available as supplements and in Mastering. These resources include over 450 videos specific to the text, test bank questions, end-of-chapter problems, and tutorials that are located in the Mastering Item Library and the Study Area
  • Dynamic Study Modules are specific to Conceptual Physics and are assignable modules that pose a series of questions about a course topic. Questions adapt to each student’s performance and offer personalized, targeted feedback to help them master key concepts. Students can use their computer or the MyLab and Mastering app to access Dynamic Study Modules.

Delivertrusted content

  • Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook also available within Mastering. It lets students read, highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily customize the table of contents and share their own notes with students, so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class — motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning.
    • Analytics Dashboard. Use the dashboard to gain insight into how students are working in their eText to plan more effective instruction in and out of class.
  • Selected Enhanced End-of-Chapter questions are now randomized and coded with wrong-answer specific feedback. Significantly revised end-of-chapter problems expand the focus on math skills that students need to solve problems.


  • EXPANDED - Study Tools in the Pearson Mastering Physics Study Area provide students with Animations, Video Activities, Interactive Figure Activities, word study tools, short chapter quizzes and more — all in one easy to navigate place to help students master tough topics with answer-specific feedback and the support they need to succeed.
  1. About Science


  1. Newton's First Law of Motion: Inertia
  2. Linear Motion
  3. Newton's Second Law of Motion
  4. Newton's Third Law of Motion
  5. Momentum
  6. Energy
  7. Rotational Motion
  8. Gravity
  9. Projectile and Satellite Motion


  1. The Atomic Nature of Matter
  2. Solids
  3. Liquids
  4. Gases

Part Three: HEAT

  1. Temperature, Heat, and Expansion
  2. Heat Transfer
  3. Change of Phase
  4. Thermodynamics

Part Four: SOUND

  1. Vibrations and Waves
  2. Sound
  3. Musical Sounds


  1. Electrostatics
  2. Electric Current
  3. Magnetism
  4. Electromagnetic Induction

Part Six: LIGHT

  1. Properties of Light
  2. Color
  3. Reflection and Refraction
  4. Light Waves
  5. Light Emission
  6. Light Quanta


  1. The Atom and the Quantum
  2. Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
  3. Nuclear Fission and Fusion


  1. Special Theory of Relativity
  2. General Theory of Relativity

Author Profile


  • A. On Measurement and Unit Conversions
  • B. More About Motion
  • C. Graphing
  • D. Vector Applications
  • E. Exponential Growth and Doubling Time

Odd-Numbered Answers




Paul G. Hewitt Becoming a physics instructor and textbook authordidn't seem a likely outcome of my earlier years. I grew up in Saugus (nearBoston), Massachusetts. In my high school years, an influential counselorconvinced me that I wouldn't have to take academic courses due to my talent forart. My passions at the time were drawing comic strips, rink roller-skating,and especially boxing, which helped repel school bullies. At age 17, I won thesilver medal of the New England Amateur Athletic Union in the 112-pound class.Shortly after that, I delivered newspapers, painted signs, and learnedsilk-screen printing in Boston, where I met life-long friend Ernie Brown, whoinfluenced me to spend two winters with him in Miami, Florida. I dedicated theeleventh edition of Conceptual Physics to Ernie.

In 1953, during the Koreanconflict, I was abruptly drafted into the Army. I was fortunate, however, thatthe war ended on my last day of basic training at Camp Carson in ColoradoSprings. My Army discharge occurred during the craze of uranium prospecting,which nurtured the hope of financial security. I took that gamble and remainedin Colorado to prospect for uranium, supporting myself as a sign painter in thetown of Salida. I discovered uranium-tainted rock in the Sangre de ChristoMountains that raised my hopes, but not my income. More importantly, Idiscovered and fell in love with Millie Luna. Winter snow prevented access tomy uranium claims, so I went back to Saugus, and then to escape the cold NewEngland winters, I returned to Miami.

Life-changing events occurred inMiami. First, I married Millie. Second, I met sign painter and science buffBurl Grey and his intellectual mentor, Jacque Fresco. Both inspired me topursue a life of science. I returned north and with the G.I. Bill, enrolled atNewman Preparatory School in Boston to make up for high-school deficiencies. Atthe age of 27, I began college at Lowell Technological Institute (now theUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell). After I received a Bachelor of Science degreein physics, Millie and I and our two children ventured west, where I would earna Master of Science degree in physics at Utah State University (USU). There, Iwas inspired by the extraordinary teaching of Farrell Edwards and John J.Merrill. USU friends Huey and Sue Johnson influenced us to follow them to SanFrancisco, where Huey, a passionate environmentalist, began his career as WesternDirector of the famed Nature Conservancy and soon became California's Secretaryof Resources during Jerry Brown's administration. Huey also founded The Trustfor Public Land, an organization that saves tracts of land from unwantedcommercial development, and he later founded the nonprofit Resource RenewalInstitute. Best friend extraordinaire Huey passed away in 2020 fromcomplications after a fall. It was with Huey's assistance in 1964 that I washired as a long-term substitute at City College of San Francisco (CCSF).

My teaching assignment was thecourse least popular among my colleagues, Physics 10, which was geared towardnon-science majors, the very students I wanted to reach. My teaching goal wasnot to swell the ranks of physicists, but to share my love of physics with allstudents. I very soon discovered that the best of my algebraic derivations wereunappreciated. Nor did students think much of my simple problems that usedequations as recipes to come up with numerical answers. My teaching evolved to"physics without numbers," and Physics 10 soon became the mostpopular elective course on campus. I yearned to teach from a new and excitingtextbook, Physics for the Inquiring Mind, by Eric Rogers, but mydepartment chair found it unacceptable because it was too large and heavy forstudents to tote around.

That meant I would have to writemy own book. Inspired by the Rogers book and Basic Physics, a new,clearly written textbook by Kenneth Ford, I frantically spent the summer of1969, the year of the first Moon landing, creating Conceptual Physics.The spiral-bound result was graciously printed on campus by the collegebookstore. Its coverage of topics was in step with my nemesis as a student:information overload. It covered only the fundamentals of physics. It had nonumerical problems requiring even simple algebra. None. As such, it was a quitelocal CCSF book.

Enrollment for Physics 10 hadgrown to more than a thousand per semester. Curious textbook sales representativesthought that Conceptual Physics could be more than a localbook. To make a long and interesting story short, Little, Brown and Companypublished it in 1971 (50 years ago). This was at a time when college studentsnationwide were demanding relevance in their courses. With its subtitle, A New Introduction to Your Environment, ConceptualPhysics was seen as very relevant. To add to the accuracyof the physics, Ken Ford volunteered his editorial pen to my writing. Idedicated the eighth and eleventh editions to him. Conceptual Physics becamethe dominant book for liberal arts physics courses in the United States, andalso internationally.

Teaching was not confined toCCSF. On Wednesday evenings, I taught at the San Francisco Exploratorium. I wasoften honored when founder Frank Oppenheimer sat in on my classes. When musicalsounds was the topic, with his collection of woodwind instruments, Frank didthe teaching, and I sat in. Wonderful times teaching with Frank.

As an author, I never went thecommon route of following an introductory textbook with an algebra/trigonometry-basedbook and then a calculus-based textbook. Instead, I elected to keepimproving Conceptual Physics for non-science students, edition after edition, a continuous strivingto increase the clarity of physics topics, to make physics a course thatstudents could love. For an algebra-based course, Phil Wolf and I wrote aproblem-solving book to supplement Conceptual Physics. It is now animportant complement to this thirteenth edition.

In my personal life, my wifeMillie peacefully passed away in 2004, leaving me with three wonderful childrenand seven well-loved grandchildren. A year later I married Lillian Lee. Both ofmy marriages were to impressive women. Today, my wife Lillian, with her eye fordetail, adds clarity to my writing. Hence, I dedicate this edition to her, as Idid with previous editions.

I never traveled outside of theUnited States until age 40. Since then, summers have been devoted to worldtravel. My teaching took me further afield as well, mainly to the University ofCalifornia at both Berkeley and Santa Cruz, and the two university campuses inHawaii. In Hawaii, I was also invited to teach in a video studio. Little did Irealize that those lectures would remain popular today.

A move from Hilo, Hawaii, to St.Petersburg, Florida, brought me closer to my pal from my roller-skating days,Paul Ryan (pictured in all my books). Lil and I now split our time between St.Petersburg and San Francisco, continually polishing the lens through whichstudents can more clearly view their world. Nature's major rules are revealedin the laws of physics, all nicely summarized in their equations. Teachingthese equations as the rules of nature has been an awesome experience.

More awesome is being born. Thechances of being born a healthy human are so miniscule that being alive is thehighest prize of the universe. But that prize comes with a certainty: beingborn means eventually dying. Before birth, our experience of the universe andall its happenings was blank. With no consciousness, there was nothing. If thatblank state is our fate after death, then there's nothing to fear. Now, ifthere's more, hooray - But there needn't be. Death as the price of birthis a fair cosmic bargain. Along with grieving the loss of loved ones, we shouldcelebrate that they knew life.

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