Child Development: Theory and Practice 0-11, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (December 12, 2013) © 2014

  • Jonathan Doherty Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Malcolm Hughes University of the West of England, Bristol



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An invaluable resource for all those studying child development at foundation or undergraduate level: accessible, engaging, theoretically sound and rooted in real practice.
Key features of the new edition include:
  • Coverage of children’s development from conception to age 11
  • A new Policy, Research & Praxis feature providing discussion of developments in childcare practices and changes to UK Government policies
  • The application of theory to practice in a variety of settings, such as school, nursery and home
  • Up-to-date academic and professional research findings to provide a secure and informed base for understanding
  • Summaries to signpost chapters and consolidate learning
  • Marginal key terms to ensure that terms are clearly defined where they are first introduced in the text
  • Connect & Extend boxes, directing students to research papers
  • Controversy boxes to stimulate debate about current issues

Part 1 Introducing Child Development

1  Issues in Child Development

2  Theories of Child Development

3  Research Methods

4  Nature and Nurture


Part 2 Early and Physical Development

5  Prenatal Development

6  Neonatal Behaviour and Learning

7 The Body and Physical Growth

8  Sensory and Perceptual Development


Part 3: Cogintive and Social Development

9  Cognitive Development

10  Language Development

11  Emotions and Personality

12  The Social and Moral World of the Child

Jonathan Doherty was at Leeds Met when he first started work on the text, but is currently working for the National Strategies.

Mal Hughes is also co-author of our Woolfolk adaptation and the adapting author of Arnett ‘Adolescence’. He is currently at UWE.

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