Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, Pearson New International Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (November 1, 2013) © 2014

  • Spencer G. Niles College of William & Mary
  • JoAnn E. Harris-Bowlsbey Kuder, Inc. , Loyola College, Maryland, Retired



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This top-selling text presents theories, assessments, planning tools, resources, and technologies relevant to modern career development. With four chapters devoted to career development in educational settings, this book analyzes the aspects of career development interventions for the elementary, middle and high school, higher ed, and community audiences. Also provided are strategies for implementing career counseling techniques and creating and designing career development programs.

  • Focuses on the application of career theory and provides examples of interventions with real people.
  • Takes a practical, straightforward approach and offers case studies to expose students to all of the essential competencies required for the professional practice of career counseling.
  • Readers benefit from the authors’ extensive experience as leaders in the field for many years as career practitioners, scholars, and teachers of career development courses throughout the world.
  • Unique — Unlike other books in the field,this text includes a chapter on Ethics (Ch. 14).
  • Tips from the Field appear throughout the text and offer practical tips and guidelines
  • Student Activities appear at the end of each chapter and give readers the opportunity to apply chapter content.
  • Discussions of the impact of globalization, contemporary issues, and the financial crisis of the 21st century on career development
  • New technology sections covering web-based career guidance systems and the use of social networking for career guidance and job-seeking.
  • Access to the Kuder® Career Planning System, an industry-leading web-based career planning system that provides outstanding resources for helping secondary school students develop their educational and career plans.
  • MyCounselingLab connects course content to video- and case-based real world scenarios, and provides:
    • Building Counseling Skills exercises that offer opportunities for students to develop and practice skills critical to their success as professional helpers. Hints and feedback provide scaffolding and reinforce key concepts.
    • Assignments & Activities assess students’ understanding of key concepts and skill development.
    • Multiple-Choice Quizzes help students gauge their understanding of important topics and prepare for success on licensure examinations.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Career Development Interventions 

The Meaning of Work Across Time 
Linking Work with Worth 
Providing Systematic Career Development Interventions 
Definition of Terms 
Career Development 
Career Development Interventions 
Career Counseling 
Career Education 

Career Development Programs 
Important Events in the History of Career Development Interventions 

Frank Parsons 
Future Trends in Career Development Interventions 

View Career Decisions as Values-Based Decisions 

Move Beyond Objective Assessment 
Move to Counseling-Based Career Assistance 

Move to a Stronger Emphasis on Multicultural Career Development Theories and Interventions 
Move to Focusing on Multiple Life Roles 

CHAPTER 2: Understanding and Applying Theories of Career Development 
Career Development Theories 
Super’s Life-Span, Life-Space Theory 
Life Span 
Life Space 
Applying Super’s Theory 
Contextual Factors Influencing Life-Role Salience 
Evaluating Super’s Theory 
Linda Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Compromise, and Self-Creation 
Stage One: Orientation to Size and Power 
Stage Two: Orientation to Sex Roles 
Stage Three: Orientation to Social Valuation 
Stage Four: Orientation to the Internal, Unique Self 
Applying Gottfredson’s Theory to Practice 
Evaluating Gottfredson’s Theory 
John Holland’s Theory of Types and Person-Environment Interactions 
The Realistic Type 
The Investigative Type 
The Artistic Type 
The Social Type 
The Enterprising Type 
The Conventional Type 
Vocational Identity 
Applying Holland’s Theory 
Evaluating Holland’s Theory 
John Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling 
The Learning Theory of Career Counseling 
Applying LTCC 
Evaluating Career Development Interventions 
Evaluating LTCC 

CHAPTER 3: Understanding and Applying Recent Theories of Career Development 
Recent Theories 
Lent, Brown, and Hackett’s Social Cognitive Career Theory 
Applying SCCT 
Evaluating SCCT 
The Cognitive Information Processing Approach 
Applying the CIP Approach 
Evaluating CIP 
Brown’s Values-Based, Holistic Model of Career and Life-Role Choices and Sat-isfaction 
Applying the Values-Based Approach 
Evaluating the Values-Based Approach 
Hansen’s Integrative Life Planning 
Applying ILP 
Evaluating ILP 
Postmodern Approaches 
Creating Narratives 
Contextualizing Career Development 
Constructivist Career Counseling 

CHAPTER 4: Providing Culturally Competent Career Development Interventions 
Traditional Assumptions of Career Theories in the United States 
Universal Versus Culture-Specific Models 
Identity Development Models 
Racial Identity Models 
Gender Identity Models 
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Identity Models 
Persons with Disabilities 

CHAPTER 5: Assessment a

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