CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Career Development InterventionsÂ
The Meaning of Work Across TimeÂ
Linking Work with WorthÂ
Providing Systematic Career Development InterventionsÂ
Definition of TermsÂ
Career DevelopmentÂ
Career Development InterventionsÂ
Career CounselingÂ
Career EducationÂ
Career Development ProgramsÂ
Important Events in the History of Career Development InterventionsÂ
Frank ParsonsÂ
Future Trends in Career Development InterventionsÂ
View Career Decisions as Values-Based DecisionsÂ
Move Beyond Objective AssessmentÂ
Move to Counseling-Based Career AssistanceÂ
Move to a Stronger Emphasis on Multicultural Career Development Theories and InterventionsÂ
Move to Focusing on Multiple Life RolesÂ
CHAPTER 2: Understanding and Applying Theories of Career DevelopmentÂ
Career Development TheoriesÂ
Super’s Life-Span, Life-Space TheoryÂ
Life SpanÂ
Life SpaceÂ
Applying Super’s TheoryÂ
Contextual Factors Influencing Life-Role SalienceÂ
Evaluating Super’s TheoryÂ
Linda Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Compromise, and Self-CreationÂ
Stage One: Orientation to Size and PowerÂ
Stage Two: Orientation to Sex RolesÂ
Stage Three: Orientation to Social ValuationÂ
Stage Four: Orientation to the Internal, Unique SelfÂ
Applying Gottfredson’s Theory to PracticeÂ
Evaluating Gottfredson’s TheoryÂ
John Holland’s Theory of Types and Person-Environment InteractionsÂ
The Realistic TypeÂ
The Investigative TypeÂ
The Artistic TypeÂ
The Social TypeÂ
The Enterprising TypeÂ
The Conventional TypeÂ
Vocational IdentityÂ
Applying Holland’s TheoryÂ
Evaluating Holland’s TheoryÂ
John Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career CounselingÂ
The Learning Theory of Career CounselingÂ
Applying LTCCÂ
Evaluating Career Development InterventionsÂ
Evaluating LTCCÂ
References Â
CHAPTER 3: Understanding and Applying Recent Theories of Career DevelopmentÂ
Recent TheoriesÂ
Lent, Brown, and Hackett’s Social Cognitive Career TheoryÂ
Applying SCCTÂ
Evaluating SCCTÂ
The Cognitive Information Processing ApproachÂ
Applying the CIP ApproachÂ
Evaluating CIPÂ
Brown’s Values-Based, Holistic Model of Career and Life-Role Choices and Sat-isfactionÂ
Applying the Values-Based ApproachÂ
Evaluating the Values-Based ApproachÂ
Hansen’s Integrative Life PlanningÂ
Applying ILPÂ
Evaluating ILPÂ
Postmodern ApproachesÂ
Creating NarrativesÂ
Contextualizing Career DevelopmentÂ
Constructivist Career CounselingÂ
References Â
CHAPTER 4: Providing Culturally Competent Career Development InterventionsÂ
Traditional Assumptions of Career Theories in the United StatesÂ
Universal Versus Culture-Specific ModelsÂ
Identity Development ModelsÂ
Racial Identity ModelsÂ
Gender Identity ModelsÂ
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Identity ModelsÂ
Persons with DisabilitiesÂ
References Â
CHAPTER 5: Assessment a