Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, Global Edition, 14th edition

Published by Pearson (May 8, 2019) © 2019

  • Raymond A. Barnett Merritt College
  • Michael R. Ziegler Marquette University
  • Karl E. Byleen Marquette University
  • Christopher J. Stocker Marquette University



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  • Reach every student with personalized support
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  • Optimize learning with dynamic study tools

For 1-2 semester or 1-3 quarter courses covering calculus for majors in business, economics, social sciences or life sciences.

Built-in tools for students to help themselves succeed

Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 14th Edition addresses the challenges of teaching and learning when prerequisite knowledge varies greatly among learners. It offers more built-in guidance than any other text available, with emphasis on prerequisite skills and a host of student-friendly features that help learners catch up or learn on their own. Emphasis on the construction of mathematical models gives students critical tools for solving application problems.

Hallmark features of this title

  • More than 4400 exercises are carefully selected and graded by difficulty.
  • Prerequisite skills are assessed at the start of the text and revisited before each exercise set.
  • Paired exercises of the same type/difficulty level allow control over student use of answers (odd answers are at the back of the text).
  • Ample, current applications show the relevance of math and enable students to create and interpret mathematical models.
  • Optional graphing-utility and spreadsheet examples and exercises encourage deeper understanding of concepts and prompt students to practice using tools they will likely use in the workplace.
  • Calculus coverage features early treatment of exponential and logarithmic functions plus more in-depth coverage of topics than other texts.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: A full-color redesign with a modern layout helps students navigate more easily and motivate them as they put in the hard work to learn the mathematics.
  • REVISED: All graphing calculator screens have been updated to TI-84 Plus CE (color) format.
  • NEW: Reminder features in the side margin either remind students of a concept that is needed at that point in the book, or direct the student back to the section in which it was covered earlier.
  • REVISED: All 3-dimensional figures in the text have been revised using the latest software; the difference is very striking in most cases, and makes the figures more effective for teaching and learning.
  • UPDATED: Updated data in examples and exercises throughout; Many modern and student-centered applications have been added to help students see the relevance of the content.
  • NEW: 625 new exercises have been added throughout the text.

Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for MyLab Math

Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.

  • All example videos are updated, with nearly 400 high-quality and fully accessible videos added to the MyLab course and eText.
  • A set of new Assignable Projects and a Projects User Guide have been added under Instructor Resources. The projects have associated rubrics, and their results report automatically to the MyLab Math Gradebook; projects are built into MediaShare, which allows students to submit many formats for their submission. Projects and rubrics are editable with the program.

Features of MyLab Math for the 14th Edition

  • 4430 assignable exercises include Additional Conceptual Questions and Setup & Solve exercises.
  • An Integrated Review version of the MyLab Math course contains premade quizzes to assess the prerequisite skills needed for each chapter, plus personalized remediation for any skills gaps.
  • The Note-Taking Guide provides definitions, theorems and statements of examples with blank space for students to write solutions to examples and sample problems. It corresponds to the text's Lecture PowerPoints and can be downloaded in PDF or Word format.
  • Interactive Figures illustrate key concepts and allow manipulation. Study Skills Modules help students with the life skills that promote success. MathTalk videos apply the course content to business, supported by assignable exercises.
  • 1. Functions and Graphs
  • 2. Limits and the Derivative
  • 3. Additional Derivative Topics
  • 4. Graphing and Optimization
  • 5. Integration
  • 6. Additional Integration Topics
  • 7. Multivariable Calculus
  • 8. Differential Equations
  • 9. Taylor Polynomials and Infinite Series
  • 10. Probability and Calculus
  • Appendix A: Basic Algebra Review
  • Appendix B: Special Topics
  • Appendix C: Integration Using Tables
  • Answers
  • Index of Applications

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Reach every student with MyLab®. This flexible digital platform combines trusted author content, online assessments and customisable features so you can personalise learning and improve results, one student at a time.

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