Becker's World of the Cell, Global Edition, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (February 24, 2022) © 2022

  • Jeff Hardin University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Gregory Paul Bertoni Columbus State Community College
  • Lewis J. Kleinsmith University of Michigan



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For courses incell biology.

Connecting fundamentalconcepts across the world of the cellKnown for its strong biochemistry coverage and clear, easy-to-followexplanations and figures, Becker’s World of the Cell provides abeautifully illustrated, up-to-date introduction to cell biology concepts,processes, and applications. Informed by years of classroom experience in thecell biology course, the text features accessible and authoritativedescriptions of all major principles, as well as unique scientific insightsinto visualization and applications of cell and molecular biology. With the 10thEdition, the authors guide students to make connections throughout cell biologyand provide questions that encourage students to practice interpreting andanalyzing data. Embedded features in Pearson eText add interactivity, walkingstudents through key figures with narrated explanations.

Personalizelearning with Mastering Biology with Pearson eTextMastering® empowers you topersonalize learning and reach every student. This flexible digital platformcombines trusted content with customizable features so you can teach yourcourse your way. And with digital tools and assessments, students become activeparticipants in their learning, leading to better results.

Pearson eText is an easy-to-usedigital textbook available within Mastering that lets students read, highlight,take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place. If you’re not usingMastering, students can purchase Pearson eText on their own or you can assignit as a course to schedule readings, view student usage analytics, and shareyour own notes with students.

Reach everystudent with Mastering Biology with Pearson eText
Mastering® empowers you to personalize learning and reachevery student. This flexible digital platform combines trusted content withcustomizable features so you can teach your course your way. And with digitaltools and assessments, students become active participants in their learning,leading to better results.

Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available withinMastering that lets students read, highlight, take notes, and review keyvocabulary all in one place. If you’re not using Mastering, students canpurchase Pearson eText on their own or you can assign it as a course toschedule readings, view student usage analytics, and share your own notes withstudents.

About the book

Helps studentsmake connections across concepts in cell biology

  • NEW - Make Connection Questions ask students to make connections across concepts and chapters throughout the text with two new questions in every chapter. By reinforcing fundamental conceptual connections throughout cell biology, these features help overcome students’ tendencies to compartmentalize information. These questions are also assignable and automatically graded in Mastering Biology.
  • Concept Check questions enable students to check their understanding using the Concept Check questions after reading a main concept section. There is one question at the end of every main heading in the text and questions throughout each chapter encourage students to actively read the text. Answers to these questions are available at the back of the book.
  • REORGANIZED - Material on translation and intracellular trafficking is now combined into Chapter 12, focusing on the Endomembrane System with co-translational import into the endoplasmic reticulum of proteins destined for secretion or insertion into the plasma membrane. Because the molecular genetics material comes earlier in the book, topics that relate to translation of secreted and plasma membrane-associated proteins are now more naturally integrated into the discussion of intracellular trafficking.

Insights intovisualization and applications of cell biology

  • NEW - 10 Figure Walkthroughs embedded in the Pearson eText guide students through key figures with narrated explanations and figure mark-ups that reinforce important points. All Figure Walkthroughs are also assignable in Mastering Biology and paired with several auto-gradable questions for student assessment.
  • NEW - Data Analysis Questions in every chapter require students to practice their ability to interpret data. Students must be able to analyze data in order to make informed decisions, generate well-formed, testable hypotheses, design follow-up experiments, and provide compelling evidence for results.
  • NEW - Quantitative questions in every chapter infuse a quantitative component throughout the text. New and existing quantitative questions are flagged at the end of each chapter to encourage students to work on developing their ability to perform or interpret a calculation.
  • Chapter on molecular techniques that focuses on the tools or the key technologies cell biologists use to analyze and manipulate DNA, genomes, RNA and proteins, and gene function.
  • Human Connection boxes incorporate human examples and show the relevance of Cell Biology to human health and societal issues, from the human story of Henrietta Lacks to the relevance of biochemical pathways to our diet, to the many cases in which cell biology informs diagnosis and treatment of human disease.

Emphasis onmodern genetic/genomic/proteomic approaches to cell biology

  • Key Technique boxes in every chapter are integrated throughout the text, demonstrating how cutting-edge technologies can be used to answer outstanding questions in Cell Biology.
  • Content updates have been added throughout the book highlighting the most recent advances in the understanding of cell biology.
  • Molecular genetics chapters appear early in the book and contain substantial material on chromosomes, mechanisms of DNA mutation and repair, and mobile genetics elements.
  • Cell signaling, cell division, and cell cycle regulation materials are integrated with coverage of many topics in the last sections of the text. Topics related to the regulation of gene and protein expression are naturally integrated into the discussion of cell signaling and cell cycle control, immediately before the chapter on cancer.

Reach everystudent with Mastering

Teach your courseyour way

  • Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within Mastering. It lets students read, highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily customize the table of contents and share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class — motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning.
  • With Learning CatalyticsTM, you’ll hear from every student when it matters most. You pose a variety of questions that help students recall ideas, apply concepts, and develop critical-thinking skills, and students respond using their own smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

Deliver trustedcontent240 Reading Quiz Questions check students’ familiarity with key concepts, prompting them to do their assigned reading before class. Additional open-ended questions help students identify the topics they found most difficult and assist instructors with “just-in-time” teaching.

  • Many of the End-of-Chapter Questions from the book are available for auto-graded homework assignments and prepare students for the challenging problems that they may see on exams. Question types include sorting, labeling, entering numerical information, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank.
  • Test Bank Questions for every chapter include over 1,000 multiple-choice, short-answer, and inquiry/activity questions. Test bank problems allow instructors to use the same system for building tests and exams for both on- or off-line delivery. Instructors can also include a wide variety (multiple-choice, short-answer, randomized numerical, and choose-all-that-apply) of problems in weekly homework assignments.

Empower learners

Over 100 Tutorials and activities teach complex cell processes and feature specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content. The hallmark Hints and Feedback offer instruction similar to what students would experience in an office-hours visit, allowing them to learn from their mistakes without being given the answer.

  • Over 100 molecular and microscopy videos help students visualize topics in cell biology through vivid images of cellular processes.
  • PowerPoint® Lecture Tools include customizable lecture outlines containing all of the figures and photos and embedded animations, and 5-10 Personal Response System clicker questions per chapter.

Reach everystudent with Mastering Biology with Pearson eText Mastering® empowers you to personalize learning and reach everystudent. This flexible digital platform combines trusted content withcustomizable features so you can teach your course your way. And with digitaltools and assessments, students become active participants in their learning,leading to better results.

About the book

Helps studentsmake connections across concepts in cell biolog

  • Make Connection Questions ask students to make connections across concepts and chapters throughout the text with two new questions in every chapter. By reinforcing fundamental conceptual connections throughout cell biology, these features help overcome students’ tendencies to compartmentalize information. These questions are also assignable and automatically graded in Mastering Biology.
  • REORGANIZED - Material on translation and intracellular trafficking is now combined into Chapter 12, focusing on the Endomembrane System with co-translational import into the endoplasmic reticulum of proteins destined for secretion or insertion into the plasma membrane. Because the molecular genetics material comes earlier in the book, topics that relate to translation of secreted and plasma membrane-associated proteins are now more naturally integrated into the discussion of intracellular trafficking.

Insights intovisualization and applications of cell biology

  • 10 Figure Walkthroughs embedded in the Pearson eText guide students through key figures with narrated explanations and figure mark-ups that reinforce important points. All Figure Walkthroughs are also assignable in Mastering Biology and paired with several auto-gradable questions for student assessment.
  • Data Analysis Questions in every chapter require students to practice their ability to interpret data. Students must be able to analyze data in order to make informed decisions, generate well-formed, testable hypotheses, design follow-up experiments, and provide compelling evidence for results.
  • Quantitative questions in every chapter infuse a quantitative component throughout the text. New and existing quantitative questions are flagged at the end of each chapter to encourage students to work on developing their ability to perform or interpret a calculation.

Reach everystudent with Mastering

  • Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within Mastering. It lets students read, highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily customize the table of contents and share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class — motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning.

1. A Preview of Cell Biology
2. The Chemistry of the Cell
3. The Macromolecules of the Cell
4. Cells and Organelles
5. Bioenergetics: The Flow of Energy in the Cell
6. Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
7. Membranes: Their Structure, Function, and Chemistry
8. Transport Across Membranes: Overcoming the Permeability Barrier
9. Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Glycolysis and Fermentation
10. Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Aerobic Respiration
11. Phototrophic Energy Metabolism: Photosynthesis
12. The Endomembrane System and Protein Sorting
13. Cytoskeletal Systems
14. Cellular Movement: Motility and Contractility
15. Beyond the Cell: Cell Adhesions, Cell Junctions, and Extracellular Structures
16. The Structural Basis of Cellular Information: DNA, Chromosomes, and theNucleus
17. DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination
18. Gene Expression: I. Transcription
19. Gene Expression: II. The Genetic Code and Protein Synthesis
20. The Regulation of Gene Expression
21. Molecular Biology Techniques for Cell Biology
22. Signal Transduction Mechanisms: I. Electrical and Synaptic Signaling inNeurons
23. Signal Transduction Mechanisms: II. Messengers and Receptors
24. The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
25. Sexual Reproduction, Meiosis, and Genetic Recombination
26. Cancer Cells
Appendix: Visualizing Cells and Molecules

JEFFHARDIN received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University ofCalifornia–Berkeley. He is the Raymond E. Keller Professor and Chair of theDepartment of Integrative Biology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, wherehe has been since 1991. For 18 years he was Faculty Director of the BiologyCore Curriculum, a four-semester honors biology sequence for undergraduates atWisconsin known for its teaching innovations. Jeff ’s research focuses on howcells migrate and adhere to one another during early embryonic development.Jeff ’s teaching is enhanced by his extensive use of digital microscopy and hisweb-based teaching materials, which are used on many campuses in the UnitedStates and in other countries. Jeff was a founding member of the UW TeachingAcademy, and has received several teaching awards, including a Lily TeachingFellowship, a National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, and aChancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award.

JAMES P.LODOLCE earned his Ph.D. in Immunology from the University of Chicago in2002. His thesis examined the signals that promote the survival of memory lymphocytes.As a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. David Boone, he studied thegenetics and regulation of inflammation in autoimmunity. Cell biology was thefirst class that James taught when he arrived at Loyola University Chicago in2010. He currently holds the title of Senior Lecturer and teaches a variety of coursesranging from molecular biology to virology. James is an active member of theDepartment of Biology and was appointed Co-Chairperson of Loyola’s 2021 Pre-HealthProfessions Advisory Committee. In his career at Loyola, James has receivedseveral teaching honors, including a nomination for the 2014 Ignatius LoyolaAward for Excellence in Teaching, the 2016 Master Teacher Award in the Collegeof Arts and Sciences, and the 2020 Edwin T. and Vivijeanne F. Sujack Award forTeaching Excellence.

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