Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 29, 2024) © 2024

  • Stuart Russell University of California at Berkeley
  • Peter Norvig
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Explore the ever-expanding, fascinating field of AI and its latest technologies with this industry-leading text.

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition, 4th Edition (AI), explores the full breadth and depth of the field, delving into the advanced methods of reasoning, deep learning, perception, and mathematics.

From robotic planetary explorers to online services with billions of users, the textbook studies a wide range of current methods and technologies, further considering the ethical values of practicing the discipline.

With a new site containing all the exercises, this leading text is a must-read edition, offering a multi-faceted approach to this expanding subject.

Chapter I  Artificial Intelligence

  1. Introduction
    • What Is AI?
    • The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    • The History of Artificial Intelligence
    • The State of the Art
    • Risks and Benefits of AI


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  2. Intelligent Agents
    • Agents and Environments
    • Good Behavior: The Concept of Rationality
    • The Nature of Environments
    • The Structure of Agents


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  3. Chapter II  Problem Solving

  4. Solving Problems by Searching
    • Problem-Solving Agents
    • Example Problems
    • Search Algorithms
    • Uninformed Search Strategies
    • Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies
    • Heuristic Functions


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  5. Search in Complex Environments
    • Local Search and Optimization Problems
    • Local Search in Continuous Spaces
    • Search with Nondeterministic Actions
    • Search in Partially Observable Environments
    • Online Search Agents and Unknown Environments


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  6. Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    • Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    • Constraint Propagation: Inference in CSPs
    • Backtracking Search for CSPs
    • Local Search for CSPs
    • The Structure of Problems


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  7. Adversarial Search and Games
    • Game Theory
    • Optimal Decisions in Games
    • Heuristic Alpha--Beta Tree Search
    • Monte Carlo Tree Search
    • Stochastic Games
    • Partially Observable Games
    • Limitations of Game Search Algorithms


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  8. Chapter III  Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning

  9. Logical Agents
    • Knowledge-Based Agents
    • The Wumpus World
    • Logic
    • Propositional Logic: A Very Simple Logic
    • Propositional Theorem Proving
    • Effective Propositional Model Checking
    • Agents Based on Propositional Logic


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  10. First-Order Logic
    • Representation Revisited
    • Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic
    • Using First-Order Logic
    • Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic


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  11. Inference in First-Order Logic
    • Propositional vs. First-Order Inference
    • Unification and First-Order Inference
    • Forward Chaining
    • Backward Chaining
    • Resolution


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  12. Knowledge Representation
    • Ontological Engineering
    • Categories and Objects
    • Events
    • Mental Objects and Modal Logic
    • for Categories
    • Reasoning with Default Information


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  13. Automated Planning
    • Definition of Classical Planning
    • Algorithms for Classical Planning
    • Heuristics for Planning
    • Hierarchical Planning
    • Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains
    • Time, Schedules, and Resources
    • Analysis of Planning Approaches


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  14. Chapter IV  Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning

  15. Quantifying Uncertainty
    • Acting under Uncertainty
    • Basic Probability Notation
    • Inference Using Full Joint Distributions
    • Independence 12.5 Bayes' Rule and Its Use
    • Naive Bayes Models
    • The Wumpus World Revisited


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  16. Probabilistic Reasoning
    • Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain
    • The Semantics of Bayesian Networks
    • Exact Inference in Bayesian Networks
    • Approximate Inference for Bayesian Networks
    • Causal Networks


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  17. Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
    • Time and Uncertainty
    • Inference in Temporal Models
    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Kalman Filters
    • Dynamic Bayesian Networks


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  18. Making Simple Decisions
    • Combining Beliefs and Desires under Uncertainty
    • The Basis of Utility Theory
    • Utility Functions
    • Multiattribute Utility Functions
    • Decision Networks
    • The Value of Information
    • Unknown Preferences


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  19. Making Complex Decisions
    • Sequential Decision Problems
    • Algorithms for MDPs
    • Bandit Problems
    • Partially Observable MDPs
    • Algorithms for Solving POMDPs


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  20. Multiagent Decision Making
    • Properties of Multiagent Environments
    • Non-Cooperative Game Theory
    • Cooperative Game Theory
    • Making Collective Decisions


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  21. Probabilistic Programming
    • Relational Probability Models
    • Open-Universe Probability Models
    • Keeping Track of a Complex World
    • Programs as Probability Models


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  22. Chapter V  Machine Learning

  23. Learning from Examples
    • Forms of Leaming
    • Supervised Learning .
    • Learning Decision Trees .
    • Model Selection and Optimization
    • The Theory of Learning
    • Linear Regression and Classification
    • Nonparametric Models
    • Ensemble Learning
    • Developing Machine Learning Systen


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  24. Knowledge in Learning
    • A Logical Formulation of Learning
    • Knowledge in Learning
    • Exmplanation-Based Leaening
    • Learning Using Relevance Information
    • Inductive Logic Programming


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  25. Learning Probabilistic Models
    • Statistical Learning
    • Learning with Complete Data
    • Learning with Hidden Variables: The EM Algorithm


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  26. Deep Learning
    • Simple Feedforward Networks
    • Computation Graphs for Deep Learning
    • Convolutional Networks
    • Learning Algorithms
    • Generalization
    • Recurrent Neural Networks
    • Unsupervised Learning and Transfer Learning
    • Applications


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  27. Reinforcement Learning
    • Learning from Rewards
    • Passive Reinforcement Learning
    • Active Reinforcement Learning
    • Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
    • Policy Search
    • Apprenticeship and Inverse Reinforcement Leaming
    • Applications of Reinforcement Learning


    Bibliographical and Historical Notes

  28. Chapter VI  Communicating, perceiving, and acting

  29. Natural Language Processing
    • Language Models
    • Grammar
    • Parsing
    • Augmented Grammars
    • Complications of Real Natural Languagr
    • Natural Language Tasks


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  30. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
    • Word Embeddings
    • Recurrent Neural Networks for NLP
    • Sequence-to-Sequence Models
    • The Transformer Architecture
    • Pretraining and Transfer Learning
    • State of the art


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  31. Robotics
    • Robots
    • Robot Hardware
    • What kind of problem is robotics solving?
    • Robotic Perception
    • Planning and Control
    • Planning Uncertain Movements
    • Reinforcement Laming in Robotics
    • Humans and Robots
    • Alternative Robotic Frameworks
    • Application Domains


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  32. Computer Vision
    • Introduction
    • Image Formation
    • Simple Image Features
    • Classifying Images
    • Detecting Objects
    • The 3D World
    • Using Computer Vision


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  33. Chapter VII  Conclusions

  34. Philosophy, Ethics, and Safety of Al
    • The Limits of Al
    • Can Machines Really Think?
    • The Ethics of Al


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  35. The Future of AI
    • Al Components
    • Al Architectures
A Mathematical Background
  • A.1 Complexity Analysis and O0 Notation
  • A.2 Vectors, Matrices, and Linear Algebra
  • A.3 Probability Distributions
  • Bibliographical and Historical Notes


B Notes on Languages and Algorithms
  • B.1 Defining Languages with Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
  • B.2 Describing Algorithms with Pseudocode
  • B.3 Online Supplemental Material



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