Biopsychology, Global Edition, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (June 27, 2017) © 2017

  • John P J Pinel
  • Steven Barnes



  • Multimedia and practice embedded throughout quality author content help students explore and apply concepts
  • Interactive assignments foster and assess critical-thinking skills
  • Valuable performance insights help tailor instruction

For courses in Physiological Psychology and Biopsychology
Explore how the central nervous system governs behaviorBiopsychology presents a clear, engaging introduction to biopsychological theory and research through a unique combination of biopsychological science and personal, reader-oriented discourse. Original author John Pinel and new co-author Steven Barnes address students directly and interweave the fundamentals of the field with clinical case studies, useful metaphors, and memorable anecdotes that make course material personally and socially relevant to readers. In addition to expanded learning objectives that guide students through the course, the Tenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect this rapidly progressing scientific field.

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MyLab Psychology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

A reader-oriented approach makes scientific concepts relevant and relatable

  • NEW! For this edition, original author John Pinel is joined by new co-author Steven Barnes, an educator, researcher, and visual artist who brings his knowledge to bear on the updated Tenth Edition.
  • Throughout Biopsychology, the authors emphasize the big picture, focusing on four broad themes that provide excellent topics for essay assignments and exam questions. These themes are:
    • Thinking creatively;
    • Clinical implications;
    • Evolutionary perspective; and
    • Neuroplasticity.
  • Carefully selected case studies are highlighted throughout the text. These provocative cases stimulate interest, promote retention of concepts, and allow students to learn how biopsychological principles apply to the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders.
  • The text’s engaging illustrations were conceptualized and meticulously designed to clarify and reinforce textual material. Author John Pinel and his artist/designer wife, Maggie Edwards, created many of these illustrations exclusively for this text.
  • While some biopsychological textbooks emphasize neurophysiology, neurochemistry, and neuroanatomy, Biopsychology gives top billing to coverage of behavioral research. The authors stress that neuroscience is a team effort and that the unique contribution made by biopsychologists to this effort is their behavioral expertise.
  • Biopsychology emphasizes the scientific method, helping students to view it as a means of answering questions in daily life as well as in the laboratory. The authors also show students how being a scientist can be both fascinating and fun.
  • Several chapters of Biopsychology — particularly those on eating, sleeping, sex, and drug addiction — carry strong personal and social messages. In these chapters, the authors encourage students to consider the relevance of biopsychological research to their lives outside the classroom.
  • Biopsychology has been praised by instructors and students alike for its personal tone. In past editions, Pinel addressed students directly with warmth, enthusiasm, and good humor. With the addition of Barnes as coauthor, the Tenth Edition offers another friendly voice as well as some new approaches to teaching.
  • NEW! The Tenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the current state of one of the most rapidly progressing scientific fields. This edition contains more than 1,265 citations of articles or books that did not appear in the previous edition, and content throughout has been revised and updated accordingly.

Pedagogical learning aids boost student understanding and retention

  • NEW! Questions for review and reflection are integrated into the text, giving students opportunities to stop and think about the content presented and to respond in a written format. Writing prompts tied to the major themes of this book are located throughout each chapter for individual student response.
  • NEW! Expanded and more comprehensive learning objectives, written by the authors themselves, better help students to recognize the major points in each portion of the text.
  • Scan Your Brain study exercises appear at key transition points within chapters, where students can benefit most from pausing to consolidate material before continuing.
  • Check It Out demonstrations apply biopsychological phenomena and concepts for students to experience themsel

A reader-oriented approach makes scientific concepts relevant and relatable

  • For this edition, original author John Pinel is joined by new co-author Steven Barnes, an educator, researcher, and visual artist who brings his knowledge to bear on the updated Tenth Edition.
  • Questions for review and reflection are integrated into the text, giving students opportunities to stop and think about the content presented and to respond in a written format. Writing prompts tied to the major themes of this book are located throughout each chapter for individual student response.
  • Expanded and more comprehensive learning objectives, written by the authors themselves, better help students to recognize the major points in each portion of the text.

New and updated content ensures an up-to-date learning experienceThe Tenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the current state of one of the most rapidly progressing scientific fields. This edition contains more than 1,265 citations of articles or books that did not appear in the previous edition, and content throughout has been revised and updated accordingly. The following list presents some of the content changes to this edition, organized by chapter.

  • 1. Biopsychology as a Neuroscience 
    • Nobel Prize-winning work on grid cells and place cells by John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard Moser
    • Coverage of the topic of translational research
    • 21 new citations
  • 2. Evolution, Genetics, and Experience
    • Updated coverage of the emergence of humankind
    • Discussion of the evidence of mating between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis
    • Coverage of the use of ancient DNA
    • Summary of the human proteome project
    • Expanded coverage of the topic of epigenetics, including coverage of the topic of transgenerational epigenetics
    • 90 new citations
  • 3. Anatomy of the Nervous System
    • Updated coverage of cerebrospinal fluid production and absorption
    • Summary of the issues associated with the classification of neurons
    • Updated coverage of glial cells
    • 38 new citations
  • 4. Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission
    • 36 new citations
  • 5. The Research Methods of Biopsychology
    • Updated coverage of positron emission tomography (PET)
    • Coverage of combined use of PET and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
    • Coverage of the use of fMRI to communicate with patients who are in a “vegetative state” (patients who appear to lack consciousness)
    • Introduction of the Human Connectome Project and related projects in other species
    • Expanded coverage of transcranial stimulation techniques, including the addition of transcranial direct
    • current stimulation (tDCS)
    • Better explanation of how the skin conductance response (SCR) works
    • Coverage of the new field of optogenetics
    • 38 new citations
  • 6. The Visual System
    • Explanation of the number of different sorts of retinal ganglion cells
    • Coverage of retinal implants
    • Expanded coverage of the dorsal versus ventral streams
    • Better definition of prosopagnosia that distinguishes between developmental prosopagnosia versus acquired prosopagnosia
    • Expanded coverage of prosopagnosia
    • 46 new citations
  • 7. Mechanisms of Perception: Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste, and Attention
    • Updated coverage of the study of the auditory cortex
    • Statement of the role of skin cells in somatosensation
    • Improved definition of anosagnosia
    • Updated coverage of the rubber-hand illusion
    • Updated coverage of t
  • 1. Biopsychology as a Neuroscience: What Is Biopsychology, Anyway?
  • 2. Evolution, Genetics, and Experience: Thinking about the Biology of Behavior
  • 3. Anatomy of the Nervous System: Systems, Structures, and Cells That Make Up Your Nervous System
  • 4. Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission: How Neurons Send and Receive Signals
  • 5. The Research Methods of Biopsychology: Understanding What Biopsychologists Do
  • 6. The Visual System: How We See
  • 7. Mechanisms of Perception: Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste, and Attention: How You Know the World
  • 8. The Sensorimotor System: How You Move
  • 9. Development of the Nervous System: From Fertilized Egg to You
  • 10. Brain Damage and Neuroplasticity: Can the Brain Recover from Damage?
  • 11. Learning, Memory, and Amnesia: How Your Brain Stores Information
  • 12. Hunger, Eating, and Health: Why Do Many People Eat Too Much?
  • 13. Hormones and Sex: What’s Wrong with the Mamawawa?
  • 14. Sleep, Dreaming, and Circadian Rhythms: How Much Do You Need to Sleep?
  • 15. Drug Use, Drug Addiction, and the Brain’s Reward Circuits: Chemicals That Harm with Pleasure
  • 16. Lateralization, Language, and the Split Brain: The Left Brain and the Right Brain
  • 17. Biopsychology of Emotion, Stress, and Health: Fear, the Dark Side of Emotion
  • 18. Biopsychology of Psychiatric Disorders: The Brain Unhinged

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