Allow your students to get inside the mind of the modern practitioner with this premier microeconomics text.

Microeconomics, 8th edition, Global Edition, is an exemplary intermediate text for economics students.

Adopting a step-by-step approach, Perloff's text demonstrates how microeconomics can be applied to practical problems and policy issues, with a unique emphasis on contemporary theory, equipping your students with the knowledge and tools to face the modern industry.

With an array of features and worked examples throughout, this text is the ideal accompaniment to your course, engaging students with modern theories and real-world challenges.

Hallmark features of this title

Features designed to prepare your students for a future career in Economics.
  • Analysis of What-If Policies probes the likely outcomes of public policies to prepare students for the future, prompting them to think prospectively.
  • Consideration of modern theories as well as traditional ones in Microeconomics gives students a well-rounded understanding of industry thinking.
Tools to enhance your students' learning and understanding throughout.
  • Real-world examples and applications showcase the versatility of modern microeconomics and give context to learnt theory.
  • Cross-chapter analyses create crucial links between core theories covered in different chapters, with applications designed to sharpen your students' analytical and quantitative skills.

New and updated features of this title

New features to this edition enhance student learning and consolidate knowledge.
  • Each chapter now begins with new challenges that present information relating to the chapter's contents about a current real-world issue. These conclude with questions about the material to engage students with the subject.
  • Additional solved problems provide students with a clear step-by-step model for working out qualitative and quantitative problems - now also with at least one associated question at the end of the chapter.
  • 113 new and updated applications cover recent events and replace older material, keeping this edition current and timeless.
Reworked chapters make for a refreshing learning experience.
  • Many substantially rewritten chapters, such as chapters 2 and 3, have been updated to include more recent case studies and reflect the modern markets, with accompanying questions updated where appropriate.
  • Updated material includes more up-to-date available information, as seen in the section on Apple in chapter 11.
  • Chapter 15 now includes modified tables and figures accompanying the written text.
  1. Introduction
  2. Supply and Demand
  3. Applying the Supply-and-Demand Model
  4. Consumer Choice
  5. Applying Consumer Theory
  6. Firms and Production
  7. Costs
  8. Competitive Firms and Markets
  9. Applying the Competitive Model
  10. General Equilibrium and Economic Welfare
  11. Monopoly
  12. Pricing and Advertising
  13. Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition
  14. Game Theory
  15. Factor Markets
  16. Interest Rates, Investments, and Capital Markets
  17. Uncertainty
  18. Externalities, Open-Access, and Public Goods
  19. Asymmetric Information
  20. Contracts and Moral Hazards


Answers to Selected Questions and Problems

Sources for Challenges and Applications





Jeffrey M. Perloff is a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. His economic research covers industrial organization, marketing, labor, trade and econometrics. He has been an editor of 'Industrial Relations' and the 'Journal of Industrial Organization Education,' and an associate editor of the 'American Journal of Agricultural Economics' and the 'Journal of Productivity Analysis.' Perloff has consulted with non-profit organizations and government agencies and is a fellow of the American Agricultural Economics Association. He was previously an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania.

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