Economics, European Edition, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (March 24, 2017) © 2017

  • Michael Parkin Emeritus of University of Western Ontario
  • Melanie Powell Derby University
  • Kent Matthews Cardiff University



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Think like an economist!

Economics touches almost every aspect of life, from climate change to terrorism, taxes to house prices, wages, to how much time to spend studying! Thinking like an economist will enable you to evaluate economic policies, understand human behaviour, and make more informed decisions.

This comprehensive revision retains the hallmarks of previous editions, with a thorough and detailed presentation of the principles of economics and on the development of your critical thinking skills. With the addition of new features, such as At Issue and Economics in the News, this new edition uses real-world examples and applications to incorporate the latest developments in the Eurozone and UK policy.

The leading economists in the news today started out like you, as students taking a course in the principles of economics. Like them, you can learn to think like an economist, and this book will show you how.

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