Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (September 12, 2017) © 2018

  • Elaine N. Marieb Holyoke Community College
  • Suzanne M. Keller Indian Hills Community College



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For one-semester Anatomy & Physiology courses.

Focus on the essential what, how, & why of human anatomy & physiology

With the 12th Edition of Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, science educator Suzanne Keller joins bestselling author Elaine Marieb in helping learners focus on the essential What, How, & Why of A&P, without getting sidetracked in unnecessary details.  

Thoroughly updated with dozens of new figures, photos, and current information on medical recommendations and terminology, the 12th Edition continues to set the standard for brief, accessible one-semester A&P texts. The authors’ hallmark clear and friendly writing style has been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues that help students learn and remember concepts. Continuing to offer just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage, engaging new chapter previews help learners hone in on what structures and functions they are studying, how they function, and why they are important to learn.

Mastering A&P not included. Students, if Mastering A&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering A&P should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

Mastering A&P is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to engage students and improve results. Instructors ensure that students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics. Students can further master concepts after class through assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts.

Help students succeed by focusing on essential A&P concepts.

  • What, How & Why chapter previews introduce key examples of anatomy and physiology concepts that will be covered in the chapter.  This technique helps learners hone in on what they are studying, how it functions, and why it is important for them to learn.
  • Conversational writing style and straightforward explanations have been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues to help students learn, visualise, and remember concepts.
  • Exceptionally clear photos and illustrations, including dozens of new and improved figures, present concepts and processes at the right level of detail. 
  • Critical Thinking & Clinical Application questions at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to clinical situations.
  • Concept Links reinforce previously learned concepts and help students make connections across body systems while learning new material. 
  • Concise illustrated tables summarise complex information and serve as a “one-stop shopping” study tool for comparing and contrasting anatomical structures and physiological functions.
  • Systems in Sync figures for each body system summarise, illustrate, and explain the interrelationships between body systems.
  • A wide variety of self-assessment questions support active learning and help students prepare for quizzes and tests
  • Figure Questions accompany selected figures within the chapter and give students practice interpreting illustrations.
  • Did You Get It? Questions encourage students to check their understanding of concepts as they are reading and reviewing chapter material.
  • End-of-Chapter Review Questions give students practice answering the kinds of questions that may appear on a quiz or test.
  • Critical Thinking and Clinical Application questions challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to clinical situations and problem solving.

Inspire and inform students as they prepare for future healthcare careers.

  • Homeostatic Imbalance discussions are clinical examples that revisit the text’s unique theme by describing how the loss of homeostasis leads to pathology or disease. Many of these discussions are illustrated with photos taken in real-world clinical settings. 
  • Focus on Careers essays feature conversations with working professionals and explain the relevance of anatomy and physiology course topics across a wide range of allied health careers.  Featured careers include Pharmacy Technician, Medical Transcriptionist, Radiologic Technician, Licensed Practical Nurse, and more. Students can visit the Mastering A&P Study Area for more information about related careers options.
  • A Developmental Aspects section appears in each body system chapter and discusses how that particular body system develops and changes throughout the human lifespan, with an emphasis on problems that accompany the aging process.  
  • A Closer Look Essays explore relevant and timely discoveries in medical research and clinical procedures. Updates include new information about anabolic steroids (Chapter 6), dopamine imaging techniques (Chapter 7), cleanliness and asthma (Chapter 13), Obesity (Chapter 14), and more.
  • Critical Thinking & Clinical Application questions at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to clinical situations.
  • Updated content throughout the text keeps stude

About the Book

·    What, How & Why chapter previews introduce key examples of anatomy and physiology concepts that will be covered in the chapter.  This technique helps learners hone in on what they are studying, how it functions, and why it is important for them to learn.

·    Conversational writing style and straightforward explanations have been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues to help students learn, visualize, and remember concepts.

·    Exceptionally clear photos and illustrations, including dozens of new and improved figures, present concepts and processes at the right level of detail. 

·    Content updates throughout the text keep students and instructors up-to-date with current research, medical recommendations, and terminology for relevant topics such as trans fats and cholesterol, new treatments for cancer and Parkinsons disease, advancements in medical imaging techniques, improved rates of survival following a stroke, and more.

·    A Closer Look Essays explore relevant and timely discoveries in medical research and clinical procedures. Updates include new information about anabolic steroids (Chapter 6), dopamine imaging techniques (Chapter 7), cleanliness and asthma (Chapter 13), Obesity (Chapter 14), and more.

·    UPDATED! Critical Thinking & Clinical Application questions at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to clinical situations.

Mastering A&P not included. Students, if Mastering A&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering A&P should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

  • NEW! Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities, referenced at the beginning of each chapter,help students learn the essential language of A&P by using terms in context and building their knowledge of common root words, prefixes, and suffixes. 
  • Dynamic Study Modules help students acquire, retain, and recall information faster and more effectively than ever before. The modules, which can be accessed on smartphones, tablets and computers, are available as a self-study tool or can be assigned by the instructor. New for the 12th Edition, instructors can now remove questions they do not wish to assign.
  • Interactive Physiology 2.0 Coaching Activities help students advance beyond memorization to a genuine understanding of complex physiological processes. Fun, interactive tutorials, games, and quizzes give students additional explanations to help them grasp difficult concepts. IP 2.0 features brand-new graphics, quicker navigation, and more robust interactivity. New IP 2.0 modules include Resting Membrane Potential, Electrical Activity of the Heart, Cardiac Output, Factors Affecting Blood Pressure, and more!
  • The Mastering A&P Study Area features new, mobile-friendly navigation and offers students additional practice test questions, reading quiz questions, flashcards, Get Ready for A&P tutorials, and more.
  •  The eText includes powerful interactive and customization functions, such as instructor and student note-taking, highlighting, bookmarking, search, and links to glossary terms.

·    Learning Catalytics helps instructors generate class discussion, adapt lessons to students’ needs, and promote peer-to-peer learning using real-time analytics. As a student response tool, Learning Catalytics uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or

  • 1. The Human Body: An Orientation
  • 2. Basic Chemistry
  • 3. Cells and Tissues
  • 4. Skin and Body Membranes
  • 5. The Skeletal System
  • 6. The Muscular System
  • 7. The Nervous System
  • 8. Special Senses
  • 9. The Endocrine System
  • 10. Blood
  • 11. The Cardiovascular System
  • 12. The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses
  • 13. The Respiratory System
  • 14. The Digestive System and Body Metabolism
  • 15. The Urinary System
  • 16. The Reproductive System

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