Retail Marketing Management: Principles and Practice, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 16, 2015) © 2015

  • Helen Goworek Nottingham Trent University , University of Leicester
  • Peter McGoldrick University of Manchester



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The unique approach of Retail Marketing combines theory with current retail concepts and international examples. It starts by looking at the nature of retailing as an activity and then introduces retail marketing, followed by a discussion of consumer behaviour, the retail marketing mix, and other important issues such as location strategies, branding, the application of IT and ethics. The author takes an integrated approach to explaining the process of internationalisation which is reinforced by a wealth of international examples.

The book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in retail marketing as well as those studying for marketing and business degrees where retail marketing is a core module.

  • Case studies and seminar discussion questions in every chapter
  • Chapters and vignettes by expert contributors with a combination of academic and industry experience
  • Retail practitioner cases which emphasise practical aspects as well as key theories in retail marketing
  • New models that help to visualise interactions between marketing environments, retail marketing management decisions, and shopper behaviour

‭xiii Preface
‭xv About the authors
‭xvi Acknowledgements

Chapter 1
‭Introduction to retail marketing management

Chapter 2
‭Retail marketing strategy


Chapter 3
‭Retail consumer behaviour and market segmentation

Chapter 4
‭Retail product and brand management


Chapter 5
‭Retail buying and merchandising

Chapter 6
‭Retail pricing

Chapter 7
‭Retail marketing communications

Chapter 8
‭Retail location

Chapter 9
‭Retail design and layout

Chapter 10
‭Retail customer service

Chapter 11
‭Multichannel retailing

Chapter 12
‭Legislation and ethics in retailing


Chapter 13
‭International retail marketing and emerging markets

Helen Goworek lectures in the School of Management at the University of Leicester, where she teaches postgraduate modules in marketing, including ‘B2B Marketing and Supply Chain Management’. She is the author of two previous books about the fashion business, in addition to journal articles focusing on fashion buying and sustainability.

Dr Peter McGoldrick has held four Professorial posts in Retailing, currently at the University of Manchester, UK.  He has published several books and over 150 research outputs, including in the Journal of Retailing and the Harvard Business Review.  Best paper awards include those at the World Marketing Congress and the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science.

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