Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (May 5, 2025) © 2025

  • Thomas L. Floyd
  • David M. Buchla



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For courses in DC/AC circuits: conventional flow.

Complete, accessible introduction to DC/AC circuits

Principles of Electric Circuits provides a clear introduction to fundamental circuit laws and components, using math only when needed for understanding. Floyd's acclaimed coverage of troubleshooting, combined with exercises, examples and illustrations, gives students the problem-solving experience they need to step outside the classroom and into a job.

The 10th Edition has been heavily modified to improve readability and clarity. It reflects developments in technology since the last edition.

Hallmark features of this title

Essential skill-building

  • Troubleshooting sections in many chapters relate to the topics covered in the chapter. They emphasize logical thinking and, where applicable, a structured approach called APM (analysis, planning and measurement).

Real examples and useful resources

  • Worked examples and related problems throughout each chapter illustrate basic concepts or specific procedures.
  • Student online resources include digital resources such as problems and practice tests. Also included are Circuit Simulations in Multisim 14 and LTSpice IV for selected examples, troubleshooting sections and selected problems in the text.
  • Section Checkups pose questions or exercises related to main concepts in the section so students can check their comprehension as they go.

New and updated features of this title

Basics of electrical components and circuits

  • NEW: New instruments are described. The text builds on discussions of arbitrary function generators (AGGs), arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs), oscilloscopes and probes, gaussmeters, LCR meters, thermal imaging devices and current pulser and tracers.
  • NEW: New devices and applications include magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM), magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators, and wave traps in power line carrier communication (PLCC). This edition also includes new or enhanced discussion of SMD resistors, resistor power ratings, batteries, thermal imaging, ferrites and ferrite beads, contactors and motor starters.
  • NEW: Discussion of dimensional analysis with examples introduces students to a useful problem-solving method.

Active-learning approach

  • NEW: Step-by-step procedures for solving problems with the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator are new to this edition. This includes graphing examples, matrix algebra and phasors.
  • UPDATED: A sectionalized problem set appears at the end of each chapter. Some problems in this edition are new or revised. More difficult problems are indicated with an asterisk.
  1. Quantities and Units
  2. Voltage, Current, and Resistance
  3. Ohm's Law
  4. Energy and Power
  5. Series Circuits
  6. Parallel Circuits
  7. Series-Parallel Circuits
  8. Circuit Theorems and Conversions
  9. Branch, Loop, and Node Analyses
  10. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
  11. Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage
  12. Capacitors
  13. Inductors
  14. Transformers
  15. RC Circuits
  16. RL Circuits
  17. RLC Circuits and Resonance
  18. Passive Filters
  19. Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
  20. Time Response of Reactive Circuits
  21. Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications


  1. Table of Standard Resistor Values
  2. Derivations
  3. Capacitor Label Coding
  4. NI Multisim for Circuit Simulation

About our author

The late Thomas L. Floyd had a master's degree in electrical engineering (SMU) and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering (UF). He worked as a design engineer at Texas Instruments and senior engineer at Martin-Marietta (now Lockheed-Martin). In addition, he had five years' experience teaching and serving as department head of the Electronics Technology program at Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL, as well as five years teaching electronics technology at Mayland Community College, Spruce Pine, NC.

Since 1975, Floyd had written textbooks in electronic technology, including Digital Fundamentals; Principles of Electric Circuits; Electronics Fundamentals; Electronic Devices; Electric Circuit Fundamentals; Digital Fundamentals: A Systems Approach; Digital Fundamentals with PLD Programming; Fundamentals of Analog Circuits: A Systems Approach; Science of Electronics: Digital, Analog Fundamentals; Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits; DC/AC Fundamentals: A Systems Approach; and Renewable Energy Systems.

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