An Interview with

Every day, people in business shape how the world collaborates. Their drive, ideas and achievements hold the power to inspire change, create opportunities and sustain global communities. 

To highlight how being in business is EVERYONE’s business, we have partnered with schools from across the country to interview a selection of diverse influencers and business leaders. Throughout these interviews, pupils have been able to learn more about real-life success stories in business, touching upon key skills, routes to success or the barriers our interviewees have overcome on their journey. 

By sharing these interviews with your pupils, you may ignite their curiosity and get them to learn more about why business matters. 

An interview with...Nimisha Brahmbhatt

Founder and CEO of Quantum Global Consultants  and the Legacy Business School.
Nimisha is the founder and CEO of Quantum Global Consultants, a leading consulting firm specialised in large scale digital transformation, incorporating sustainability and change management. 
Nimisha is also founder of the Leaving a Legacy Foundation CIC and regularly does media interviews about entrepreneurship and themes around advice for business and employment, specifically in Black, Asian, and other ethnic minority backgrounds. 

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