Our research

In January 2022, following the EPI report on the decline of D&T education in UK schools, we launched a research programme to better understand the national decline of D&T. This identified that without qualification or curriculum reform, the next four years would result in an extremely challenging future for the subject, and substantially impact the D&T communities’ ability to deliver purposeful D&T education to all students.

Since this time, over 350 D&T teachers have fed into multiple rounds of ongoing research, review and critique of the proposals, whilst we have worked with the sector to raise the awareness of the critical need to set a new vision for Design Education in schools.

Over the last year, we have facilitated roundtable events and workshops with a consortium of the UK’s and world’s leading design and engineering organisations, teachers and higher education experts. These organisations provided their expertise on the future vision for the subject, and also the creation of subject content and programmes of study documents. In doing so, we have provided proof that industry and education could align to a single purposeful vision.

D&T teacher workshop
Design and Technology workshop with teachers
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Teacher interviews
Design and Technology roundtable event
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Design education roundtable event
Design and Technology roundtable event
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The final proposal documents

A range of documents created through this work are available below. These have been subject to multiple rounds of critique and review, and have been adapted to ensure top-down ambitions for the subject can be met by current teachers of the subject.

Whilst these documents reflect current best thinking, we recognise that they will need to continue their evolution over the coming months and years as such a vision is realised. We encourage organisations to use these document s to continue this work, building on the ambitious vision the consortium set out to imagine a new future for D&T.

Case studies

To understand how the study of design could adopt a greater focus on social responsibility beyond current teaching and learning, we visited King's College London and University of Sussex to understand how their undergraduate courses are helping to prepare students for careers in Design and Engineering.

Design perspectives

A socially responsible design curriculum in the spotlight

As part of our ambition to realising a more purposeful and socially responsible design curriculum, we want to provide a platform for those interested in the issue to share their perspectives. In this series, we have asked a range of individuals and organisations to share their views on the issue - why it matters, and what it looks like for the future of design.

Frequently asked questions

In February 2023, Pearson representing the contributions of a large consortium of organisations, experts and educators, announced an ambitious vision for a future for design education, which invites everyone to join the debate on what remains relevant for young people to learn through design education in UK schools. Following overwhelming engagement and feedback, the following FAQs respond to a number of the questions and challenges posed by those within the design education community, and those outside in industry.