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Curriculum and Assessment Review

The Curriculum and Assessment Review gives us and the wider sector the opportunity to share our views on how curriculum and assessment can bring together a love of learning with fundamental knowledge and skills. 

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Introducing ActiveHub

ActiveHub is the next step in digital teaching and learning, bringing together assessment, rich data insights and next generation independent intervention practice to give you the tools you need to help your students reach their full potential. Driven by insights, ActiveHub provides everything on one platform for a powerful online learning experience, anytime, anywhere.

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Leading the way in diversity

We’re proud to be leading the way in diversifying the English curriculum.

A truly diverse curriculum is about more than just the texts on a specification. Which is why, for the past three years, we’ve been working with schools, publishers, and academics to make a real difference.

Our work in classrooms and education communities across the country is underpinned by three core beliefs. These beliefs lay the foundations for not only what we have already done in supporting schools with successfully diversifying the curriculum, but what we’ll continue to do.

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What is NEW for BTEC? Webinar series, watch on-demand

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On 12 December 2024, the DfE published the outcome of their review of post-16 qualification reform.

The aim of the review was to determine which qualifications will be funded for 16-19 learners in England for the 2025/26 academic year.

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What is NEW for BTEC? Webinar series, watch on-demand

General and sector specific

These sessions are for centres in England and will focus on the impact of Government reforms on post 16 qualifications and funding.

Attendees will hear our latest updates in response to Government's announcement (scheduled for December) after the pause and review and have the opportunity to ask questions.

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New BTECs for first teach September 2025

BTEC's are evolving

We are pleased to announce that funding has been approved for the New BTEC Level 3 qualifications that we submitted in July 2023 as part of the Post-16 Level 3 vocational qualification reform.

The 12 new qualifications are across Science, ICT and Computing, Construction, Early Years, Health and Social Care and Engineering.

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Recent news and blog posts

  • 10 jobs Primary teachers do as well as teach

    As you know, we believe teachers are superheroes. There are so many skills that go into being a Primary school teacher that we can't even count them, but here are 10 we thought you might recognise!

    Please feel free to tell us about other skills you'd like to see mentioned.

  • We're on the verge of big changes in assessment


    Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment, written by Pearson’s Chief Education Advisor Sir Michael Barber and assessment expert Dr Peter Hill, says that new technologies will transform assessment and testing in education.

    In a Q&A session about the essay, Barber says, “We are about to see big changes in the possibilities of assessment as a result of technology. Current assessment systems around the world are deeply wedded to traditional testing and exams and, some might argue, are holding us back from potential reforms. We should seize the opportunity and not cling to the past.”

    According to the authors:

    • Adaptive testing (for example, tests that evolve in real time on screen) will help generate more accurate tests and reduce the amount of time schools spend on testing
    • Smarter, automated marking of exams will help improve accuracy and reduce the time teachers spend marking “rote” answers
    • Technology will help combine student performance across multiple papers and subjects.
    • Assessment will provide on-going feedback, which, will help personalise teaching and improve learning.
    • New digital technologies will minimise opportunities for cheating in exams or “gaming the system”.
    • The essay argues that current assessment methods are no longer working, so that even the top performing education systems in the world have hit a performance ceiling.

    The authors set out a ‘Framework for Action’ that details the steps that should be taken for “policymakers, schools, school-system leaders and other key players to prepare for the assessment renaissance” (1):

    1. Think long-term - we don’t know when the renaissance will arrive but we need to be prepared by investing in the capacity to bring it about

    2. Build partnerships - we need to build partnerships between teachers and governments, and everyone working in education and technology

    3. Create the infrastructure - having high quality technological infrastructure at all levels in the system, including at individual schools level, is critical

    4. Develop teacher capacity - invest in developing teachers’ familiarity with both technology and sophisticated assessment

    5. Allow variation in implementation - encourage schools and teachers to innovate with a framework for implementation and learn from the most successful examples

    6. Adopt a delivery approach - make it a priority, plan ahead, ensure routine check-ins with all key players and make clear who is responsible

    7. Communicate consistently - from government and leading educators working together and from school leaders to parents

    8. Apply the change knowledge - our starting point needs to be our knowledge base of what it takes to achieve successful, system-wide change including building a shared vision and learning from pioneers.

    Barber and Hill conclude the essay by saying that the significance of the coming renaissance in assessment should not be underestimated and “that it will help secure high standards for all, remove current achievement ceilings and support a focus on… skills vital for living and learning in the twenty-first century.” (2)

    (1) Barber & Hill, Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment, 64.

    (2) Barber & Hill, Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment, 70.

    This article is a summary of:

    Barber, M. & Hill, P. (2014). Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment. London: Pearson.

    Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment is available to download below. Summary written by Vikki Weston.

    See an interactive page-turn version of the essay here