Learner collection

Together with schools and families, we’re working to enhance every learning journey.

We believe in helping every single learner to achieve their potential in their lives, regardless of their background, ability or learning style. ​

That’s why we offer more qualifications, learning routes, support and best-in-class resources for students and teachers than any other learning company.

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It's here!: The Pearson School Report 2024

We’ve just launched our highly anticipated 2024 Pearson School Report, which brings together over 12,000+ teacher, student and sector voices on education – the challenges, solutions in action, and opportunities for the future.

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Image of teacher helping a student

Multi-Academy Trusts

Supporting transformation and improvement across your trust 

Every trust has a unique set of needs. That’s why we’ll work with you to create the best package of teaching, learning and training solutions for your schools, teachers and learners.

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Popular topics

Introducing ActiveHub

ActiveHub is the next step in digital teaching and learning, bringing together assessment, rich data insights and next generation independent intervention practice to give you the tools you need to help your students reach their full potential. Driven by insights, ActiveHub provides everything on one platform for a powerful online learning experience, anytime, anywhere.

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Spotlight on...

The Future of Design Education

Over the past few months, we have been working with educators and organisations to drive forward fundamental change to design education in schools.

Starting with an ambitous call to action for the future of design education, we have since collaborated with teachers, industry partners and organisations to evolve our thinking, and have recently shared our vision for a curriculum focused towards Responsible Design and Innovation.

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New BTECs for first teach September 2025

BTEC's are evolving

We are pleased to announce that funding has been approved for the New BTEC Level 3 qualifications that we submitted in July 2023 as part of the Post-16 Level 3 vocational qualification reform.

The 12 new qualifications are across Science, ICT and Computing, Construction, Early Years, Health and Social Care and Engineering and will be available for first teach in September 2025.

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What is NEW for BTEC? Webinar series, watch on-demand

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These events have been arranged to formally launch the NEW BTEC Level 3 Nationals and Technicals qualifications which have been approved for funding for first teach September 2025.

They will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions, hear from other centres and for us to give you an overview of the qualification, how transferable, digital and sustainability skills are built in, how they sit alongside A levels and much more. Don't miss out!

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2024 Pearson Edexcel GCSE French, German and Spanish Qualifications

The new, 2024 Pearson Edexcel GCSE French, German and Spanish Qualifications are here! Our qualifications focus on building communication confidence and cultural understanding from a foundation of strong vocabulary knowledge to broaden students’ perspectives and opportunities.

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Pearson Tutoring

Pearson Tutoring provides sessions with UK qualified teachers for a range of subjects from KS3 to KS5. These small group sessions provide a tailored learning experience that will allow your students to gain a deeper understanding in topic areas as well as revision support, that will enable them to reach their full potential.

Explore Pearson Tutoring

Leading the way in diversity

We’re proud to be leading the way in diversifying the English curriculum.

A truly diverse curriculum is about more than just the texts on a specification. Which is why, for the past three years, we’ve been working with schools, publishers, and academics to make a real difference.

Our work in classrooms and education communities across the country is underpinned by three core beliefs. These beliefs lay the foundations for not only what we have already done in supporting schools with successfully diversifying the curriculum, but what we’ll continue to do.

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Recent news and blog posts

  • The future of Onscreen Assessment - why English first?

    GCSE English will be our first exams in a core subject to go fully onscreen, subject to Ofqual approval. But why GCSE English first?  

    The answer builds on ongoing research, pilot schemes and conversations we’ve undertaken to better understand how onscreen assessments might work, why and in what way they’re useful for students (and schools and colleges) and importantly, why and when we should implement them.

  • Debunking Five Key Myths About Maths

    by Dr Ems Lord, NRICH

    Although maths is the most popular A Level choice among teenagers (JCQ, 2023), we must address the negative attitudes surrounding a subject where it’s socially acceptable to claim to be ‘no good with numbers’, that ‘maths has no uses in the real-world’ or that ‘maths is boring.’ 

    As someone who loves the subject I chose to study and teach, I’m focusing my efforts on challenging those negative beliefs and I hope that the ideas in this article encourage you to do so too. 

Policy Watch

  • Highlights of the week ending 31 March

    There has been a lot going on this week, with publications and data drops as the government approaches the Easter recess. This included a policy paper from DfE on AI in education, schools capital announcements, and support for disadvantaged pupils (more in Top Stories). 

  • Highlights of the week ending 24 March

    This week the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)  published a new report revealing that the number of teacher vacancies posted by schools was 93% higher in the academic year up to February 2023, than at the same point in the year before the pandemic. The report calls for a long-term strategy on teacher pay to halt what it describes as a growing workforce crisis, as figures indicate that the initial teacher training (ITT) recruitment target is likely to be missed again.

  • Highlights of the week ending 17 March

    This week the Chancellor delivered his first full Budget, with a number of announcements around education and skills. This included the establishment of ‘returnerships’, a new offer promoting existing skills interventions to the over-50s; the enhancement of the existing Mid-life MOT strategy, which covers careers guidance; the delivery of 12 new investment zones which will have access to funding for skills and apprenticeships; investment in childcare; and increased devolution to Greater Manchester and the West Midlands. Following the Budget, the Government published details of the new ‘trailblazer deeper devolution deals’ for Greater Manchester and the West Midlands