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It's here! : The Pearson School Report 2024

We’ve just launched our highly anticipated 2024 Pearson School Report, which brings together over 12,000+ teacher, student and sector voices on education – the challenges, solutions in action, and opportunities for the future.

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Multi-Academy Trusts

Supporting transformation and improvement across your trust 

Every trust has a unique set of needs. That’s why we’ll work with you to create the best package of teaching, learning and training solutions for your schools, teachers and learners.

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Recent news and blog posts

  • Your Future in Maths: A-Z

    From forecasting weather to filming deep seas - exploring students’ Future in Maths with a new film series

    When most students think of careers that use maths, what first comes to their minds? 

    Could it be teaching? Accountancy? Something solitary? 

    How far does their imagination stretch?

  • Why STEAM subjects should be a priority in Primary education

    Robert McGregor is a teacher and the founder and director of STEAM Powered Education, created to help children get a head start in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) through after-school club and holiday workshops in local schools. In this blog, Robert explains the value of a STEAM education in Primary school.

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