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It's here! : The Pearson School Report 2024

We’ve just launched our highly anticipated 2024 Pearson School Report, which brings together over 12,000+ teacher, student and sector voices on education – the challenges, solutions in action, and opportunities for the future.

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Multi-Academy Trusts

Supporting transformation and improvement across your trust 

Every trust has a unique set of needs. That’s why we’ll work with you to create the best package of teaching, learning and training solutions for your schools, teachers and learners.

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Recent news and blog posts

  • Reading for Writing by Ben Connor

    The chicken or the egg. What comes first, reading or writing? In this blog Ben Connor discusses how reading supports successful writing.

  • Why can’t I see my family in this book? by Sarah Loader

    Has representation gone far enough? The short answer to that question is no, there’s a way to go yet. Progress has been made, and the issue of representation is firmly on the agenda, but the generally accepted concepts of reality, which are represented in children’s books, need to continue being pushed. The value lies not only in reflecting everyone’s reality, but in the opportunities for natural, explorative, curious dialogue that those representations provide – useful for those children who may need a voice, but also for widening children’s perspectives and understanding more generally. 

  • Reigniting the love of English

    English provides young people with the key skills, expertise, knowledge, and understanding that they urgently need to successfully navigate the 21st century and their own futures. And yet, there is no doubt that English as a subject is suffering in schools, colleges, and universities. In this blogpost Dr Rebecca Fisher shares how we can help to reignite a love of English and why this is so important.

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