Mental health and wellbeing

Working together to build healthy and happy schools

Supporting teachers, parents and young people

The Wellbeing Zone is packed with free resources to support mental health and wellbeing – from advice on coping with anxiety and exam stress, to fun activities and mindfulness.

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Mental health and Wellbeing at Pearson
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Making the grade in life: committing to mental health and wellbeing in schools
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Mindfulness - keeping calm during difficulty
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There can be many stresses on those who work in education - a challenging student, stress & depression, personal financial worries and so many more. That’s why Education Support offers free, confidential help and support. 

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Recent news and blog posts

  • 6 tips to integrate financial education into the maths curriculum

    Sharon Davies, CEO of the national financial and enterprise education charity Young Enterprise, has spent years championing the power and positive impact of teaching young people financial skills.

    Following her recent appearance on Pearson’s The Right Angle podcast, she shares her thoughts on why integrating consistent financial education in UK schools is a goal worth striving for. Although financial education crosses over many areas of the curriculum, such as PSHE, business studies or science, many would argue that maths is its natural home. Here, Sharon outlines her top tips on embedding the subject in maths.

  • Digital natives? Using technology to improve learning and assessment with Mary Richardson

    The role of new digital learning technologies is not a vision of the future; it is now firmly embedded in education systems from the nursery to the university. The development of digital resources is fast-paced and it can seem overwhelming to navigate the tsunami of sales pitches promising everything from reduced workloads to perfect assessment. However, step back and remember the wise words of educationalist Dylan Wiliam that “everything works somewhere; nothing works everywhere – so we need to ask ourselves, under what conditions does x work?”

  • Closing the word gap with Jean Gross CBE

    I rarely meet a teacher these days who isn’t concerned about the growing number of children with speech, language and communication needs. 

    It isn’t likely to get better any time soon if we look at what is happening in the cohort of children who will soon be working their way through the school system. In a recent survey 82 per cent of health visitors reported seeing a year-on-year increase in children with speech, language and communication delays in their pre-school caseloads. And last year, Speech and Language UK estimated that at least 1.9 million primary- and secondary-aged children were struggling with talking and understanding words. That equates to one in five school-aged children – the highest number ever recorded.

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