Mental health and wellbeing

Working together to build healthy and happy schools

Supporting teachers, parents and young people

The Wellbeing Zone is packed with free resources to support mental health and wellbeing – from advice on coping with anxiety and exam stress, to fun activities and mindfulness.

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Mental health and Wellbeing at Pearson
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Making the grade in life: committing to mental health and wellbeing in schools
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Mindfulness - keeping calm during difficulty
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There can be many stresses on those who work in education - a challenging student, stress & depression, personal financial worries and so many more. That’s why Education Support offers free, confidential help and support. 

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Recent news and blog posts

  • Are we missing a trick in primary assessment? with Jean Gross CBE

    What gets measured tends to get done. In primary schools this means a curriculum driven largely by English and maths.

    But perhaps assessment needs to help us look below the surface of these headline measures. Why? Consider these research findings:

    • Children with poor language at age five are six times less likely to reach the expected standard in literacy at age 11 than those with good language, and 11 times less likely to reach the expected standard in maths.
    • Children’s reading ability is dependent on their oral language skills – their vocabulary and language structures. The contribution of spoken language skills to reading is not confined to reading comprehension; it also predicts how easily they will learn phonics.
  • Power of Maths Spotlight... Improving accessibility for SEND learners

    Building independence through maths for every student
    By Karen McGuigan

    I was one of these children who just loved maths – even now I see it everywhere in life – but I know that’s not a talent most people have. Maths is so important. It helps us understand money, unpick practical things like our shopping and phone contracts, and make informed decisions.

    Yet the way most schools teach maths, especially to learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and additional needs, means many children are leaving education without the key maths skills they’ll need to live independently.

    In 2019, after working on maths with my then 7-year-old son who has Downs Syndrome, I started a programme called Maths For Life with the aim of creating a differentiated approach to the current maths curriculum; one that delivers essential maths that all children need for life. I believe what I’ve learned could really improve maths accessibility for every child, whatever their needs and ability.

  • Climate-conscious schools: how can you make a difference?

    Continuing our focus this month on all aspects of sustainability, from menu evaluations to energy-saving initiatives, Clare Cox, Sustainability Lead at Pearson, shares with Education Today some of the steps schools are taking to become more sustainable, and collates key tips and advice from leading voices across the sector.

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