Mental health and wellbeing

Working together to build healthy and happy schools

Supporting teachers, parents and young people

The Wellbeing Zone is packed with free resources to support mental health and wellbeing – from advice on coping with anxiety and exam stress, to fun activities and mindfulness.

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Mental health and Wellbeing at Pearson
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Making the grade in life: committing to mental health and wellbeing in schools
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Mindfulness - keeping calm during difficulty
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Education Support

There can be many stresses on those who work in education - a challenging student, stress & depression, personal financial worries and so many more. That’s why Education Support offers free, confidential help and support. 

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Recent news and blog posts

  • Grime Opera: A Musical Synthesis

    A False Binary 

    Grime is a style of British rap music that emerged from the UK Garage scene during the early 2000s. The genre is defined by complex syncopated raps over fast beats, initially made famous by a generation of East London artists such as Wiley and Dizzie Rascal, and more recently, revived by the likes of Stormzy, who became the first British black solo artist to headline Glastonbury in 2019. On paper, Grime is perhaps not the natural bedfellow of Classical music. Grime Opera strives to challenge this assumption, uniting young people from a diverse range of backgrounds in pursuit of an authentic musical experience.  

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