Digital learning and innovation

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Spotlight on innovation

Cover image for Pearson's 'Digital in Schools' topic, featuring a modern classroom with students using laptops and tablets

Investing in digital transformation = investing in the future

Digital in schools research

Our brand-new research with Cebr outlines how investment in digital transformation for state-funded UK schools could make a difference to the future of education and our economy.

Explore the insights

Digital learning support

Online teaching and learning support

We’re committed to helping teachers, students and families make the most of learning – whenever and wherever it happens. Our online, remote and blended learning hub is available all year round and contains free support and guidance in one place.

Discover our online teaching and learning support hub

Guides to The Future of Digital Learning

We partnered up with Headteacher Update and SecEd to explore what lies ahead for edtech – from best practice and personalised learning to closing the digital divide.

Primary guide Secondary guide
Listen to the podcast

Research and insights

The Pearson School Report

Since 2022, our reports have showcased educator and student views that have fuelled conversations from playgrounds to the Houses of Parliament. Now in its third year, the 2024 report will bring together over 12,000 teacher, student and sector voices.

  • 8 in 10 learners say technology makes it easier for all students to participate at school.
  • 48% of teachers say more needs to be done to tackle the digital divide in homes and schools.
  • More than half of teachers (55%)  say we need a better digital curriculum.

Find out more

Digital in schools

Our brand-new research with Cebr outlines how investment in digital transformation for state-funded UK schools could make a difference to the future of education and our economy.

Explore the insights

Insights: Onscreen Assessment

Hear from Pearson and schools on our experiences of delivering onscreen exams in summer 2022 and recommendations on what’s next.

Read the report

Spotlight on onscreen assessment

Our report poses some of the big questions ahead for the sector: how do we facilitate change? What are the big opportunities? And what are the barriers?

Explore the findings

Persona Life Skills

Alongside Persona Education and 200 GCSE resit students, we’re exploring effectively life skills can be developed and recognised using digital badges.

More about the pilot

Award nominations for collaboration, innovation and impact

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