The Life of Dr Harold Moody
The Life of Dr Harold Moody, written by Stephen Bourne, celebrates one of history's forgotten heroes, despite being regarded by some as the UK’s equivalent of Dr Martin Luther King Jnr, for his significant contributions towards the fight for racial equality in the UK.

About Dr Harold Moody
Born in Jamaica on 08 October 1882, Harold Moody travelled to England in 1904 and studied medicine at Kings College London, graduating top of his class in 1910.
Despite his clear academic brilliance however, he was unable to gain work as a doctor because of the colour of his skin. He was left with little option but to set up his own practice from his home in 1913. Dr Moody ran his GP surgery from his address in Peckham, London. At a time before the NHS began in 1948, Dr Moody used his medical ability and compassion for others to treat poor children free of charge. He also welcomed into his home those who had been refused lodgings due to the colour of their skin. Through his interactions within the community he became more and more aware of the racial injustices that others were facing, and he took it upon himself to use his position, wherever he could, to right those wrongs.
In 1931 Dr Moody founded the ‘League of Coloured Peoples’ and as President he worked tirelessly lobbying politicians, the civil service and trade unions seeking to build and strengthen race relations and challenge injustices.
About the author
Stephen Bourne has been writing Black British history books for thirty years. His most recent publications are Black Poppies: Britain’s Black Community and the Great War and Under Fire: Black Britain in Wartime 1939–45, both published by The History Press.
In 2008 Stephen produced a booklet about Dr Moody for Southwark Council aimed at primary school children, called The Life of Dr Harold Moody. In 2020, Stephen and Pearson came together to collaborate on a new online version of this publication, to share the important history of Dr Moody more widely with children and young people in schools. This is the version of the booklet you see here.
About Pearson P.R.I.M.E
Pearson P.R.I.M.E is the voice of Black, Asian and Multiple Ethnic (BAME) colleagues at Pearson globally, committed to achieving equality for all. As an Employee Resource Group, P.R.I.M.E represent the interests of employees and, importantly, embraces everyone from the diverse range of cultures and backgrounds that are represented within the organisation.
As part of our mission to support the company goal to build our culture, talent, and brand, P.R.I.M.E have been looking at the hidden stories of historical Black individuals and making them known today. We thank Stephen Bourne for helping to shine a light on Black history. - Kemi Fajoye – P.R.I.M.E Co-Chair.