Brighter Futures

Helping to shape a future generation of sustainably minded, global citizens

In recent years, we’ve seen a real thirst for driving proactive change in sustainability within education. We’re excited to build on this passion and work with key partners in the sector to support schools.

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Green Skills and Careers webinar

During this student focused webinar we welcome WWF to explore what is meant by 'sustainable skills' and how they can be embedded into every career path, not just those that are typically 'green careers'.

You'll also hear from two Ashden Award winners, ASRI and B4box, who will both demonstrate using green skills within different industries.

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Qualifications and assessments

Mental Health and Wellbeing


Our research has shown that Eco-anxiety is rising among students, with many teachers noting increased awareness of climate change and pupil anxiety. We’re committed to supporting schools in their mission to become more sustainable and help build healthy and happy schools.

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