Your Future in Maths: A-Z

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From forecasting weather to filming deep seas - exploring students’ Future in Maths with a new film series

When most students think of careers that use maths, what first comes to their minds? 

Could it be teaching? Accountancy? Something solitary? 

How far does their imagination stretch?

Research for Pearson’s Power of Maths campaign showed that 47% of secondary maths teachers and 36% of primary maths teachers think more diverse role models in maths would inspire their students1.

Your Future in Maths: A-Z, a new initiative spotlighting leading figures across a diverse range of professions, has been developed to help tackle this challenge, showcasing how their passions and careers have been shaped by maths and a love of numbers.

Highlighting a selection of exciting roles, from experts in aerodynamics right through to nutrition, Your Future in Maths is part of an ongoing mission to help educators and parents/carers expand their learners’ imagination on where maths could lead them in their future careers.

Over the coming months, featured professionals will be put in the spotlight. The aim? We want more students to understand how the power of maths could boost their future, and grasp the endless opportunities that the subject can unlock.

The first wave of films, already online, feature:

Doug Allan sees elegant functionality in maths and explains its vital importance in his role:

“While filming, I’m always grateful for my intimacy with maths. When I’m underwater, I can keep track of how long my air supply will last depending on what depth I’m working. Confidence with numbers gives me confidence I can achieve the best images wherever I am with my camera.”

As Sophie Harker put it: 

Maths sets people up for a whole host of careers, a whole load of options, and gives them the skillset they need to really thrive, no matter what route they go down.

By busting the stereotypes, building maths positivity, and stimulating learners’ imagination, there’s really no limit to how far maths learners can go.

Visit Your Future in Maths: A-Z webpage for more details on the initiative, and to keep up to date with the film series. 

You can also follow us on Twitter @PearsonSchools and @EmporiumMaths using the hashtags #YourFutureinMaths and #PowerofMaths

1  B0478-PofM-StatShot-Diversity-Maths-Learning.pdf ( Power of Maths StatShot on Perceptions, diversity and inclusion in maths- June 2021

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