It's been a busy week for Primary schools as both the SATs results and the new KS2 floor standards have been released.
This is the first time we have seen what the new national standard is in Reading, Maths, and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
To support you with your next steps following SATs results and the new floor standard release, we're hosting two FREE webinars next week, on the 12th and 14th July.
The 30-minute webinars are designed for senior leaders at primary schools and will reflect on this year's SATs and where to go next in preparing for your school in 2016/17.
How to book
Select a date below to register your place:
How to join the webinar
Joining a webinar couldn't be simpler, there are no downloads, no plug-ins, all you need is a browser to join. On your chosen date, click on the same links above to access your webinar. The webinars will begin at 4pm.