• Beyond the comfort zone: Empowering the next generation of maths stars

    Dr Simon Singh MBE (@SLSIngh) completed a PhD in particle physics and went on to become an author, journalist and TV producer, specialising in maths and science. His books include “Fermat’s Last Theorem” and “The Code Book”.

    Following his recent appearance on Pearson’s The Right Angle podcast, Simon shares his thoughts on why we should nurture and challenge our most talented students, and how his Parallel Academy * was built to do just that.  

  • A level Maths entries surge in 2024 to more than 100,000: a sign of changing attitudes and future opportunities?

    For the first time ever, more than 100,000 students are collecting A level Maths results in this summer’s exams.

    At Pearson, we’ve closely followed the rise in the popularity of maths over the last decade as the exam board that’s proud to support the largest number of schools and students with this subject.

    But what does such a significant 12.9% year-on-year rise in entries tell us?  

  • 6 steps to reducing your teachers' workload

    Ben Levinson, Headteacher at Kensington Primary School and winner of The Pearson National Teaching Awards Primary School of the Year 2020, shares his school’s approach to promote teacher agency and autonomy as part of a culture of trust to reduce workloads.

  • Making the connection between oracy and reading

    Many of the skills inherent to reading are developed through spoken language long before children learn to associate sound with print. Attending to children’s early spoken language development is a stepping stone towards building reading proficiency later on. 


  • The future of Onscreen Assessment - why English first?

    GCSE English will be our first exams in a core subject to go fully onscreen, subject to Ofqual approval. But why GCSE English first?  

    The answer builds on ongoing research, pilot schemes and conversations we’ve undertaken to better understand how onscreen assessments might work, why and in what way they’re useful for students (and schools and colleges) and importantly, why and when we should implement them.

  • Debunking Five Key Myths About Maths

    by Dr Ems Lord, NRICH

    Although maths is the most popular A Level choice among teenagers (JCQ, 2023), we must address the negative attitudes surrounding a subject where it’s socially acceptable to claim to be ‘no good with numbers’, that ‘maths has no uses in the real-world’ or that ‘maths is boring.’ 

    As someone who loves the subject I chose to study and teach, I’m focusing my efforts on challenging those negative beliefs and I hope that the ideas in this article encourage you to do so too.