• 6 steps to reducing your teachers' workload

    Ben Levinson, Headteacher at Kensington Primary School and winner of The Pearson National Teaching Awards Primary School of the Year 2020, shares his school’s approach to promote teacher agency and autonomy as part of a culture of trust to reduce workloads.

  • Making the connection between oracy and reading

    Many of the skills inherent to reading are developed through spoken language long before children learn to associate sound with print. Attending to children’s early spoken language development is a stepping stone towards building reading proficiency later on. 


  • Reigniting the love of English

    English provides young people with the key skills, expertise, knowledge, and understanding that they urgently need to successfully navigate the 21st century and their own futures. And yet, there is no doubt that English as a subject is suffering in schools, colleges, and universities. In this blogpost Dr Rebecca Fisher shares how we can help to reignite a love of English and why this is so important.

  • Strategies for diversity in English

    Offering more diverse texts isn’t just about expanding your English Literature curriculum, it’s about preparing your students for the outside world

    Tabatha Sheehan, Head of English at Westonbirt School, looks at how by taking the time to introduce diverse texts to your English Lit curriculum, you are preparing students for life beyond the classroom.

  • Mighty lines and uplifting rhymes: The pupil-poets inspiring us on National Poetry Day

    National Poetry Day is here – and with it, a chance to celebrate the amazing work that pupils have created for Pearson through poetry. Today we take a look at how learners have led the way in shining a light on their journeys and experiences, by sharing our top selection of powerful lines.

    Read on for wonderful work from across the UK, plus ideas to help your young bards find fresh inspiration.

  • The Show Must Go On: The writers representing fairground culture for young readers

    Our fairgrounds have brightened up British life for centuries. The newest title for the Bug Club reading series, The Show Must Go On, shines a rare spotlight on the travelling Showman community, with an engaging tale about a family defending their yard from incoming developers.

    The book’s authors – Michelle Russell, whose family spans several generations within the Showman community, and Richard O’Neill, a Traditional Travelling person who has created a number of authentic and positively representative books about the community – discuss their hopes and inspirations.