• Making the connection between oracy and reading

    Many of the skills inherent to reading are developed through spoken language long before children learn to associate sound with print. Attending to children’s early spoken language development is a stepping stone towards building reading proficiency later on. 


  • Power of Maths Spotlight... Improving accessibility for SEND learners

    Building independence through maths for every student
    By Karen McGuigan

    I was one of these children who just loved maths – even now I see it everywhere in life – but I know that’s not a talent most people have. Maths is so important. It helps us understand money, unpick practical things like our shopping and phone contracts, and make informed decisions.

    Yet the way most schools teach maths, especially to learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and additional needs, means many children are leaving education without the key maths skills they’ll need to live independently.

    In 2019, after working on maths with my then 7-year-old son who has Downs Syndrome, I started a programme called Maths For Life with the aim of creating a differentiated approach to the current maths curriculum; one that delivers essential maths that all children need for life. I believe what I’ve learned could really improve maths accessibility for every child, whatever their needs and ability.

  • Climate-conscious schools: how can you make a difference?

    Continuing our focus this month on all aspects of sustainability, from menu evaluations to energy-saving initiatives, Clare Cox, Sustainability Lead at Pearson, shares with Education Today some of the steps schools are taking to become more sustainable, and collates key tips and advice from leading voices across the sector.

  • Helping our young people become sustainably minded citizens

    Featuring this month in Education Today is Becki Huth, the Sustainability and Forest School Lead at Cutteslowe Primary School, which is part of the Riverside Learning Trust in Oxford. She tells us about the wide-ranging sustainability initiatives that have been implemented at her school and the surprising impact they have had on both the pupils and the school community.

  • Reigniting the love of English

    English provides young people with the key skills, expertise, knowledge, and understanding that they urgently need to successfully navigate the 21st century and their own futures. And yet, there is no doubt that English as a subject is suffering in schools, colleges, and universities. In this blogpost Dr Rebecca Fisher shares how we can help to reignite a love of English and why this is so important.

  • Primary Digital Learning

    If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that enabling learning for primary children through digital technology is hard without preparation. Schools that had invested in pedagogy, technology and partnerships have ridden the storms of lockdowns better and with less disruption. 

    Primary teachers have been amazingly adaptable and creative in their solutions. So much is normally built into the physical spaces and human interactions on top of the formal curriculum, that moving to online resources to deliver the curriculum while maintaining relationships with the children was a big ask.  

    As we find a way out of lockdown and the 21/22 academic year comes into view this is a good time to explore how to make digital provision a more natural part of school life by integrating the best aspects of our lockdown experiences.  

  • Marlwood School: Leading the way with the Level 1 Foundation Project Qualification

    Marlwood School is enjoying a new lease of life under the leadership of Headteacher Del Planter. In their latest report, Ofsted praises the impact of a new curriculum and teachers that are encouraging learners to ‘think deeply’ and helping them reach their full potential. Del and his team are passionate about making sure his learners develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours that they need to succeed in the future, and they are finding innovative ways to do this.