• Providing extra depth and challenge with Power Maths

    Teachers sometimes ask how they can provide extra challenge for children who complete their independent practice quickly. Alongside the need to engage and stretch all learners, there may also be a practical consideration about class management, and the need for the teacher to support those whose understanding isn’t secure. Here are some suggestions to help ensure all children are appropriately challenged, as you work with the Power Maths resources.

  • Sharing digital Abacus resources with your class

    Did you know you can send Abacus resources for children to access via their own logins? This might be invaluable when children miss lessons through illness or having to isolate at home, but it could also help you with setting homework or providing access to digital resources on devices in school.

    This blog takes a quick look at the resources you might want to share and how to do it.

  • The Right Angle logo

    Algebra – the maths topic with the PR issue

    On this week’s The Right Angle podcast, our guest - Dr Ems Lord – discusses the much maligned reputation of algebra and explores how to turn the tide of negative perceptions of the subject.

  • Diversity and inclusion in Maths with Hannah Fry

    Five ways to challenge data bias and support representation in Maths - Professor Hannah Fry on #DiversityInData

    Hot on the heels of her #DiversityinData webinar, run in partnership with Pearson, Professor Hannah Fry reflects on her top five takeaways to support teachers and educators in challenging data bias and supporting diversity and inclusion in Maths. 
    Professor Fry is a leading mathematician, best-selling author, award-winning presenter, and Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. The webinar, attended by hundreds of teachers and educators on 30 November, explored the power of numbers and ethics within research and data collection. In addition, it explored gender inequality in STEM and ways to remove bias to ensure fair results.

  • Using Power Maths flexibly with children working below age-related expectation

    It's time for your December Power Maths update! This month we will be talking about using Power Maths flexibly with children working below age-related expectations

    Teachers often ask for guidance on using Power Maths with children with SEND or who are significantly behind age-related expectation. This blog focuses on the latter, although the advice and info below can of course be adapted for SEND children, depending on their specific needs. Teacher judgement will be crucial in terms of where and why children are struggling, and choosing the right approach, but hopefully the 9 general suggestions below will be helpful.

  • Sharing digital Power Maths resources with your class

    Did you know you can send Power Maths resources for children to access via their own logins? This might be invaluable when children miss lessons through illness or having to isolate at home, but it could also help you with setting homework or providing access to digital resources on devices in school.

    This blog takes a quick look at the resources you might want to share and how to do it.

  • Your Power Maths update: November 2021

    It's time for your November Power Maths update! This month we will be talking about our latest blog on Power Maths assessments, as well as how you can go about sharing digital Power Maths resources with your class. We'll also be focusing on our free and handy Pinpoint Maths online Times Tables Check, to prepare children for the Multiplication Tables Check.