• Primary boy and and girl in classroom

    Getting to Grips with the Bar Model

    Just like many teachers, we publishers are also getting to grips with best practice from South East Asia. Pearson recently sponsored and attended the White Rose Maths Hub Bar Modelling Conference - here’s what we learned!

  • Primary teacher and boy in classroom

    #LearningFirst: Sharing good practice in a life beyond levels

    #LearningFirst Bath Spa ‘Show & Tell’ 22nd September 2016 was an opportunity for teachers from a variety of settings to come together, to share good practice and their school’s experience of their journey to a life beyond levels.

  • Keeping children safe online

    Keeping children safe online – a new responsibility

    In this guest blog post Vicki Shotbolt, CEO of Parent Zone, writes about the new guidance on digital safeguarding that has come into effect this term, and explores what schools should be doing to ensure children are kept safe online.

  • Primary school child

    The Mastery Muddle

    If you are feeling confused about how you should be teaching for mastery in your school then you are not alone! Many schools are experimenting. And whilst this is exciting, it can be equally daunting … ‘same day intervention’, ‘variation theory’, ‘CPA’, ‘bar modelling’, ‘conceptual fluency’, ‘two part lessons’ … the list goes on.