• Climate-conscious schools: how can you make a difference?

    Continuing our focus this month on all aspects of sustainability, from menu evaluations to energy-saving initiatives, Clare Cox, Sustainability Lead at Pearson, shares with Education Today some of the steps schools are taking to become more sustainable, and collates key tips and advice from leading voices across the sector.

  • Helping our young people become sustainably minded citizens

    Featuring this month in Education Today is Becki Huth, the Sustainability and Forest School Lead at Cutteslowe Primary School, which is part of the Riverside Learning Trust in Oxford. She tells us about the wide-ranging sustainability initiatives that have been implemented at her school and the surprising impact they have had on both the pupils and the school community.

  • Fear Factor - ways to remove negative attitudes in maths learners, with Dr Ems Lord, NRICH

    Q: What are some of the underlying causes or factors that contribute to maths anxiety in students in your opinion? 

    For teachers, a key part of our roles is sharing our love for our subject and inspiring the new generation, yet we’re faced with many students struggling with maths anxiety. Although causes vary from student to student, there do seem to be some common trends. 

    Key considerations include attitudes towards maths at home, in the classroom and on social media. For example, how do their teachers and families respond to making mistakes in maths? It’s also important to consider the mathematical experiences of students at home and in the classroom; is the focus on numbers and recall or exploration and discovery?

  • 9 in 10 schools taking action to protect the planet, but time pressures threaten progress, say teachers

    Inside the climate-conscious schools: from supporting local biodiversity to running eco-clubs and energy saving initiatives, new research reveals the steps the country’s schools are taking to help protect the planet. However, with curriculum pressures threatening progress amidst an escalating climate crisis, leading learning company Pearson has partnered with the likes of IEMA, the Met Office, University of Reading and the Eden Project to help put students at the heart of finding solutions.

  • Playful preparation for the Phonics Screening Check - A Teacher Toolkit

    It’s almost Phonics Screening Check (PSC) time, and many primary schools will already have started their preparations to help each one of their learners boost their life-long literacy journey. After more than 10 years supporting teachers with the Bug Club Phonics range, we’ve put together this playful toolkit of ideas to keep young learners engaged, help them revise and thrive, and close the gaps with fun and positivity.