Expert panel

Our international panel of education and assessment experts, chaired by Sir Michael Barber, is supporting us as we develop our new gold standard qualification for age 16.

British education is respected the world over – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep learning and striving to improve.

“As the chair of Pearson’s expert panel for their new World Class Qualifications, I’m excited to be in a position to work with the global leaders in curriculum and assessment to take a fresh look at what young people need to know and be able to do in the 21st century, and to consider how we can give them the opportunity to access that sort of education.

As Rod Bristow says, the expert panel have insights and experience to contribute to our design process – but we’ll want to hear from a much wider group to inform our approach. We want to develop qualifications which are a recognised and respected passport to progression in today’s fast changing world, as well as being engaging, inspiring and educationally ambitious.

“I hope that many of you visiting this page will get in touch to let us know what sort of education system you’d like to see in the UK, both in general terms but also at a subject level, to support us as our thinking takes shape. If we’re successful, with your help, World Class Qualifications will define an international standard in education to which everyone can aspire."

Portrait of Sir Michael Barber

Sir Michael Barber


Meet the panel