My Education

We think that young people should get a say on the education system too – after all, they’re the ones doing the learning. That’s what the My Education campaign is all about.

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So, what do you want from your school? My Education from Pearson and Teach First
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Education in the UK is going through some of the biggest reforms for a generation, but we thought the voices of the people those changes affect the most – students – weren’t being heard as loudly or as clearly as they could be.

That’s why Pearson, with support from the education charity Teach First, launched My Education, a campaign to try and make sure that young people's views on their education are listened to.

In 2013, My Education asked young people – especially students aged 14 to 21 – exactly what they want from their education. What are their aspirations? What motivates, inspires, challenges and excites them about learning? What do they want to see more of and what could be done better?

My Education launched at Burlington Danes Academy in London in February 2013, when we got to hear what a number of Year 9 students thought about their education. That was just the first of many events and activities around the country. We also listened to over 8,000 British teenagers in a student voice survey, and asked learners to tell us what they want from their education via our facebook page and tweet their views with the #aboutmyeducation hashtag.

Then, with the help of our 9 youth ambassadors, we compiled all of the opinions we heard into a report to present to the people in power, the people who have the scope to make a difference when it comes to education policy.

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See what young people are saying about their experiences of living and learning in school, college and the workplace.

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Get to know Teach First, our partner in the My Education campaign, and its mission to end inequality in education.

Find out more about Teach First