Consultation response - DfE - Performance descriptors for Key Stages 1 and 2

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Read our response to the Department for Education's consultation on performance descriptors for Key Stages 1 and 2.

Download the PDFs to read our full response, or a summary of our response, to the DfE consultation.

The new national curriculum is no longer supported by a framework of assessment levels for measuring progress and attainment. Instead, national tests at the end of KS1 and KS2 assess children against a scaled score, and schools and teachers are required to develop their own approach to assessing children’s progress against their curriculum between these key points.

In this consultation, the DfE released a set of performance descriptors for teachers to use to ensure effective and consistent assessment. They asked for views on how easy the descriptors are to understand, whether they will support accurate and consistent judgements, and how well they reflect the national curriculum.

The outcome of this consultation was published by the Department for Education on 26 February 2015.

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