Consultation response - Ofqual - Lifting the accreditation requirement

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Read our response to the Ofqual consultation on lifting the accreditation requirement.

Download the PDFs to read our full response, or a summary of our response, to the Ofqual consultation.

  • The Ofqual consultation asked for feedback on a proposal to remove the general accreditation requirement currently in place for regulated qualifications, while re-imposing an accreditation requirement for GCSE, AS and A level. 
  • Ofqual also proposed to impose accreditation on some specific awarding organisations (AOs) where there are concerns about the AO, or where the AO has been newly recognised or has expanded the scope of its provision/recognition.
  • The consultation proposed a new General Condition of Recognition (E6) that will make it a requirement for recognised AOs to submit all regulated qualifications to the Register.
  • The consultation proposed a draft of a new accreditation criterion, which would enable Ofqual to determine whether it should accredit a new qualification.

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