Policy Watch – highlights of the week ending 7 August
Our weekly policy update provides you with summaries and links to what’s been happening in the world of education over the past week. It also provides you with a consultation tracker and a look forward to what’s happening in Parliament (when it is sitting).
As might be expected at this time of year, exams have dominated the week – with influence of COVID-19 only intensifying the focus. The first grades using centre assessment in the UK were published, the Scottish Highers. The SQA’s moderation process and its impact on students from different socio-economic groups has been at the centre of debate. Next week it’s the turn of A levels and Vocational Qualifications across the rest of the UK, and whatever the results expect front page news again. In a busy week for Ofqual, it has published its appeals process for this summer’s results and laid out plans for exams in 2021. Outside of assessment, we’ve seen welcome support announced for apprentices impacted by the pandemic and the important issue of racial diversity in FE leadership raised with the Secretary of State.
For more on these stories and links to what else has been happening read our weekly Policy Watch briefing.