Policy Watch – highlights of the week ending 24 July
Our weekly policy update provides you with summaries and links to what’s been happening in the world of education over the past week. It also provides you with a consultation tracker and a look forward to what’s happening in Parliament.
This week has seen ministers make headline grabbing financial announcements. First up was the reveal of the second of the three-year school funding settlement. Although the increase was welcomed, many within the sector believe it will not be enough to cover COVID-19 related necessities. This was followed by increases in teacher pay, which will be funded by schools. And staying on the financial theme, the Chancellor launched the Comprehensive Spending Review, ESFA announced the adult education budget for the coming year and we saw extra money announced for education in Scotland (teachers) and Wales (HE). And in an illustration of the pressure that budgets will come under in the short and longer term, the ONS survey on homeschooling during lockdown provided more evidence of the impact this period is having. As ministers depart for the summer tackling learning loss and mitigating the effect of education closures will be at the forefront of their minds.
For more on these stories and links to what else has been happening read our weekly Policy Watch briefing.