Why it's time to talk English...

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Debates about whether the English curriculum is meeting the needs of all students are nothing new, but in 2025, alongside our Curriculum and Assessment Review thinking, Pearson is setting a course for change: for an English that works in every classroom, for every learner. We know that, at its best, English unlocks knowledge, nurtures empathy and values diverse voices. We also know this vital subject is being challenged by pressures like never before.

It’s time to talk about why we love English. 
It’s time to talk about why English matters. 
It’s time to talk English.

In 2025, we’ll be inviting young people, teachers, leaders, families, English enthusiasts and communities to be part of an urgent conversation. We’ll be discussing how to revive English, and make it the engaging, innovative and inclusive subject it truly is.

Together, let's talk about:

  • What English is and what it is for

  • Embracing the contemporary alongside the canonical

  • Honest conversations about speech in English

  • Reassessing English assessment

  • Boldly tackling the big issues

So join us for a dynamic series of English-focused activities, including original expert-led content and resources, immersive interactive forums and captivating roundtable discussions. 

Let’s bring out the best in English. Let’s listen to new voices and share them widely. Let’s shape an English curriculum that meets the needs of all students, whatever their future ambitions.

Discover more about Let’s Talk English 2025, and be part of the conversation. 

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