In 2016 there will be up to three sets of headline measures published for each provider, focusing on each of the qualification types offered in the school or college. This will increase to four in 2017, with the introduction of technical certificates. Each set of headline measures will report on:
- Progress (for academic and applied general qualifications) or a combined completion and attainment measure for tech level and technical certificate qualifications
- Attainment
- Retention
- Destinations.
A fifth headline measure, relating to the whole institution, will report on Progress in English and maths.
Progress will be reported using achievement at key stage 4 as the benchmark. It will be a value added measure showing the progress made by individual students compared with the average progress made by all students nationally who had the same level of prior achievement. It aims to show whether students in the school or college have made better, worse or the same amount of progress as the national average. This score will be reported as a proportion of a grade above or below the national average. The benchmark for academic qualifications will be based on achievement in all GCSEs, while the benchmark for applied general qualifications will be based on all qualifications (including vocational) achieved at key stage 4.
Completion and attainment will be used for tech level and technical certificate qualifications, as there is a weak relationship between the more academic achievement at key stage 4 and achievement in these qualifications. This measure will compare the attainment of individual students with the national average attainment of all students taking each qualification. Completion is incorporated by treating as a ‘fail’ any student who fails to complete the course, unless it was to progress to an apprenticeship, traineeship or supported internship. This score will be reported as a proportion of a grade above or below the national average.
Attainment will report the average grade attained by students. Unlike the combined ‘completion and attainment’ measure, it will only include those who complete the course and are entered for an examination or, in the case of vocational qualifications, receive a qualification result.
Retention will report on the proportion of students who get to the end of the core aim on which they have enrolled.
Destinations will become a full headline measure as soon as the data are deemed to be sufficiently robust. At present data are reported as experimental statistics only.
Progress in English and maths will report on the outcomes of all students arriving at the provider without a grade C GCSE in one or both subjects. It will be a measure of relative progress, and the benchmark will be the average progress made nationally by students with that level of prior achievement. The measure will report the extent to which students in that school or college have made more or less progress than this average. Unlike the other headline measures which report by qualification category, this will be a single report for the whole school or college.