Our perspectives: Curriculum and Assessment Review

The Government's Curriculum and Assessment Review gives us and the wider sector the opportunity to share our views on how curriculum and assessment can bring together a love of learning with fundamental knowledge and skills.

Here’s where you’ll find our insights and recommendations to support this important conversation.

Our recommendations

Recommendations to Government

In our response to the Government’s call for evidence, we shared recommendations for how meaningful change in education can be brought about. These include:

  • reforming GCSE English
  • an end to the resits policy
  • a reduction in the volume of written exam-based assessments and better use of technology in assessment
  • stabilising 16–19 level 3 qualification pathways
  • simplifying and clarifying 16–19 level 2 and below vocational pathways

Read the full summary of our recommendations

Bringing our recommendations to life

Alongside sharing our recommendations, we’re also showing how they can be made a reality.

Explore our recommendations in action

Guiding our recommendations

To support this important conversation, we’ve approached our thinking in four focus areas, which underpin our recommendations and work moving forwards.

Latest news

  • Why it's time to talk English...

    Debates about whether the English curriculum is meeting the needs of all students are nothing new, but in 2025, alongside our Curriculum and Assessment Review thinking, Pearson is setting a course for change: for an English that works in every classroom, for every learner. We know that, at its best, English unlocks knowledge, nurtures empathy and values diverse voices. We also know this vital subject is being challenged by pressures like never before.

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