Pearson Psychology eBook Collection

All the eBooks your Psychology department needs to meet British Psychological Society (BPS) accreditation requirements – and more – in one, low-cost collection.

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Unlock an entire eLibrary for all your core Psychology modules – and more – for the lowest price.

Give all students access to over 60 eBooks that fulfil your Psychology department’s BPS requirements. Includes textbooks for all core modules – in most cases the market leader – as well as more advanced titles and revision guides. 

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For psychology departments

Meet BPS requirements

Includes textbooks for all core modules – in most cases the market leader – as well as more advanced titles and revision guides.

Fantastic value

More than 60 eBooks, for the lowest price.

Access for all students

With unlimited access, every student gets the content they need, directly from your LMS.

Take a tour of the Psychology eBook Collection 

Pearson Psychology eBook Collection
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2025 Collection Titles

Here are some of the most popular titles in the collection. Download the full list.

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