
Textbooks and learning resources for your Economics course to support your students' learning from theory to practice

Supporting your Economics department
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Digital Solutions designed for Economics courses

Discover course solutions for today’s digital learners and get help driving learning outcomes.

Our Digital Solutions Specialist team supports your success at every step by providing dedicated support from implementation setup, to training and onboarding, including assignment strategy support and on-demand check-ins. Learn more.

New and widely adopted textbooks for Economics courses

Get in touch

We work with universities to ensure students have access to learning materials associated with their course that are prescribed by course leaders. Our print and eBooks can be purchased via a number of retailers but you can browse our subject catalogue for the ISBN of your preferred edition and format.

The resources and support on this page have been developed for UK and Irish higher education institutions. Please use the links on our Educators page to navigate to UK schools, FE colleges, or overseas resources and support.