FAQs about MyStrategyExperience
Find answers to frequently asked questions about MyStrategyExperience.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about MyStrategyExperience.
MyStrategyExperience can fit a wide range of timeframes, depending on how it’s used and for what purposes.
Go to your Instructor Support Site and see section 4.0 Learning Hours of the Instructor Guide for indications of how much time might be allocated for each Phase.
Keep in mind that the decisions submitted at the Board Meetings constitute only one phase (Phase 3) of the Strategy Experience.
The Board Meetings can take place over anything from an intensive session over a day or two, to being spread over a series of weeks.
Time spent on Phases 1 and 2 will depend on whether students complete the assessment activities and learning review.
Instructors may also choose to add additional tasks to supplement the assessment activities and learning review, thereby extending the time and learning outcomes of the simulation.
For students and instructors, this largely depends on how many of the assessment activities are assigned, whether they are playing individually or in groups, and the time period over which the instructor chooses to run the simulation.
Set-up time for the instructor is minimal. Clearly, if they are setting up different Simulation Groups to run simultaneously, this will take a little longer.
No input is required on the part of the instructor to process the results on Phase 3; this is done automatically when students submit their decisions.
All of the information that students need to complete the Briefing and Phases 1-3 are included within MyStrategyExperience.
There is a Start Here/Welcome document for instructors and students to read that gives instructions on how to begin. We strongly recommend that all instructors read these notes.
A comprehensive Instructor Guide is available in the Instructor Support section of the simulation. This is not available to students. We strongly recommend that all instructors read these notes.
The Pearson Customer Technical Support (24/7) is linked to the simulation, to complement this set of FAQs. A response to queries sent to 24/7 will be provided within 24 hours of receipt.
For the PC/Mac version, the assessment activities in Phases 1 and 2 report into a gradebook and instructors can monitor students’ performance on the MCQ assessments (automatically graded) or the written assignments (manually graded) via the gradebook. The assessment material for phases 1 and 2 includes automatically graded self assessment quizzes, as well as free response activities that can be graded by instructors, such as a strategic analysis, a business plan and learning review.
For the tablet version, the assessment activities do not report into a gradebook although students can email their results to their instructor if requested. You may want to advise your students to switch to PC/Mac to take the assessment portion of the simulation to take advantage of the extra functionality available.
For Phase 3, instructors can create Simulation Groups within the simulation in order to view the Board Meeting decisions and share price of all students who have joined that Simulation Group.
Simulation Groups are set up in the Set-up and Performance tab of the Instructor Support Site.
Instructors can set up as many Simulation Groups as they like and track the progress of as many students as they like within each of those Simulation Groups.
Students cannot see the board meeting progress or assessment results of other students in the course.
Students can participate in the simulation individually or in teams.
The assessment activities in Phases 1 and 2 are primarily designed for individual submission, though it would be possible for students to collaborate in teams on a strategic analysis (Phase 1) or in writing a Business Plan (Phase 2).
Teams may be of any size, but we'd suggest that 2-4 students in any one team is an optimal number.
Students participating in teams for Phase 3 of the simulation may share a Simulation Group identity or may play as individuals, at the discretion of the instructor. If the instructor wishes to monitor the Company Performance and Results of the WRSX group by team, students should share a single identity within the Simulation Group.
There is no limit to the number of students (single identities) playing within one Simulation Group.
The share price is an indicator of whether students have made good strategic decisions. It’s true that this doesn’t necessarily reflect their learning.
The assessment opportunities are comprehensively described in the Assessment Support tab of the Instructor Support Site.
Instructors can choose at what point in their course student can start to make their decisions.
The Board Meetings, at which students make those decisions, take place in Phase 3 of MyStrategyExperience.
It's expected (and recommended) that students work through Phases 1 and 2 – undertaking some, if not all of the assessment opportunities available – before starting on Phase 3. The more time spent on Phases 1 and 2, the more informed students’ decisions in Phase 3 are likely to be.
When using PC/Mac, the self-assessment questions for Phases 1 and 2 are graded automatically and results are recorded in the gradebook.
When using PC/Mac, the written assignments for Phases 1 and 2 are uploaded to the gradebook but are initially ungraded. The instructor can see when students have completed each activity, review each submission and record grades.
When using the tablet version, the assessment activities do not report into a gradebook although students can email their results to their instructor if requested. You may want to advise your students to switch to PC/Mac to take the assessment portion of the simulation to take advantage of the extra functionality available.
The Board Meeting results of Phase 3 are recorded within MyStrategyExperience whether using PC/Mac or tablet. Instructors will need to set up a Simulation Group and ask their students to join this Group in order to view their Board Meeting results. Instructors can set up these Simulation Groups and monitor their performance through the Set-up and Performance tab of the Instructor Support Site.