MyLab Statistics

Where world-class statistics content meets dynamic learning

Help students grasp the concepts they need to master

Everyone learns differently. Keeping students engaged with key statistical concepts can be challenging. MyLab Statistics helps you personalise each student’s journey, helping you drive academic success inside and outside the classroom.

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Develop confident learners

MyLab Statistics seamlessly integrates dynamic study tools and assessments with trusted author content, helping reinforce essential concepts and deepen student comprehension.

With customisable tools and powerful analytics, MyLab can help you to personalise learning experiences and improve results for each student.

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“It is beneficial to give a mixture of formative and summative assessments. MyLab Statistics is especially helpful to students, as it brings them to the rhythm of studying every week.” 

– Dr Dirk Tempelaar, Maastricht University, Netherlands

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Even more to love with Pearson eTextbook

You can also give students access to enhanced digital textbook content from your favourite Pearson authors through MyLab Statistics. More than an eBook, Pearson eTextbook offers effective, innovative features and self-study aids for greater engagement to help you maximise students' learning.

Explore some of our best-selling Statistics titles available through MyLab Statistics, from renowned authors such as Agresti and Newbold.

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